Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

DS got an acceptance from Lawrence last night (early action) with a really nice scholarship (full FA package should come in the next few weeks). So that’s really good to have and should give him a nice confidence boost heading into the rest of his auditions–I’m glad he had one early action in the mix. He hasn’t visited campus yet (he was supposed to fly up for his audition, but ended up doing it online from home for reasons too complicated to get into), so he’ll likely visit in the spring instead. His audition at his one in-state school is tomorrow, and getting the Blair prescreen in is the next big thing after that. He submitted his Oberlin prescreen a few days ago after much fretting. We’ve also added Peabody to his list; they don’t prescreen for clarinet, so there’s one more definite audition to travel to–it’s going to be a busy winter!



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Congrats!! Well done!

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Awesome! That first acceptance, with money to boot, gives them so much confidence.

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Congratulations! That first offer with scholarship absolutely boosts the confidence. My son, viola, was able to audition early as a junior at DePaul and was accepted with a 50% scholarship. (He’ll audition again this year for a higher scholarship.) Since we had no idea where he would rank and what schools would be realistic, it gave him the confidence to apply to severance top schools. He just submitted his applications and ad required prescreens to NEC (Harvard joint program), Bard, The New School, Eastman, Oberlin, Rice, Boston University, and Penn State, as well as DePaul. It will be a busy Jan-Feb if he is offered final auditions everywhere. Very exciting times!


That apply as a junior option is such a good idea! Mine could have used his confidence boost back when he was putting his list together. Good luck to him with the prescreens and the next round!


Thank you! As far as we have researched, DePaul is the only school that offere this-for viola and bass only.

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BM in Composition/Film Scoring
Today we received the audition/Interview date
Berklee- Regular decision-Audition/Interview on 02/11



So far S has an audition date for Ithaca (1/29).

Keep the updates coming!


Apps for grad school are submitted. A couple did not make the cut. He told us that he had looked into them and decided the programs were not for him, but really he just ran out of steam on the applications.


Hi Everyone! Excited to join this thread where we will now begin to start anxiously waiting for prescreen results! We have been thankful for all the advice we’ve gained from this forum for the past year.

My daughter is a hopeful composition major applying to mostly BM programs - Indiana/Jacobs, Vandy/Blair, Oberlin, Peabody, Bard, Rutgers/Mason Gross, Miami of Ohio, BoCo and a couple of BAs - Vassar, and maybe Harvard. My brother works at Duke and is applying much pressure for her to apply there, so we might throw that in too, but she’s all essayed out at this point. This process is grueling for musicians!! She is mostly done with all but the BA programs, just has to finish up some videos for those programs that require an instrument prescreen in addition to the composition portfolio.

She applied to BoCo EA and passed the prescreen. She had her interview this past Sunday and it went well. She did the summer program this summer and knew two of the professors in the interview from the program and that helped with her nerves tremendously! That was helpful for her first interview!

So a little more work and then the waiting game… We requested some in-person audition dates for January so I’m hoping she hears soon about prescreens. I can’t believe we have to wait for 3-4 more months! Argh!

Good Luck Everyone!!


My kiddo just got back his first prescreen acceptance for VP grad school! He’ll audition at Northwestern! Great to get good news to start.



That’s awesome–congrats!!

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@vistajay I remember your son from his Undergrad journey. A big congratulations on his first acceptance!!!

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Wow @vistajay, Northwestern is a great school and very selective. Congratulations to him!

it’s great that vistajay’s son has an audition scheduled. Required first step. Best of luck!!!

As noted in another thread, an audition invitation is not the same as an the school. Reading the responses above, I thought I’d mis-read the audition OK for an actual acceptance to the graduate program. Did I miss something?

My mistake to use the word “acceptance”, I should know better especially having been through the music school rodeo before. Lots going on in my life right now, I think I’m overtired haha.

So congrats to @vistajay’s son on passing the northwestern prescreen and best of luck at the audition.