Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

For those that passed Oberlin prescreens, did you also get your audition date?

Not yet-- the email said there would be a separate email with your date and time. Haven’t seen that email yet.

Do you wonder whether they are thinking of not having in-person auditions because of Omicron? I’m probably being paranoid. But when we went through this in 2019 with DS, all the schools gave the audition date in the same email as prescreen pass. BUT he did not apply to Oberlin so they may just do it differently.

I have been thinking that schools may decide to do all virtual in the next few weeks-- but they need to make that decision soon! It’s possible they are stalling and thinking about it, I agree.

I would certainly understand the desire not to have lots of visitors on campus in Jan/Feb seeing what is coming down the pike right now in terms of covid.

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I won’t be surprised if that happens, but I doubt they’ve already decided not to have them.


@Baribassmom exactly my thinking. I understand them taking time to think about it and possibly concluding it’s best to cancel, but they do need to decide soon so we can buy those plane tickets if necessary.

Ugh, I was so sure everything would be in-person by 2022!


Some schools have already/have just let current students and faculty know that the start of school will be delayed 2-3 weeks, sometmes starting incrementally. For auditions in Feb. or March not sure what will happen.


I have a friend with a son at Oberlin, so I know they’ve already said that winter term (in January) will be optional for everyone, but they are (so far) allowing people to come back for it if they choose to. For whatever that’s worth (probably not much; I’m sure colleges will (and should) prioritize getting their current students back in person safely over potential future students). It’s going to be such a bummer if they’re not in person, but it’s getting harder every day to see it happening :frowning:


That’s actually a very good point about Oberlin- the winter term is when many students are not on campus so they actually have a unique situation with regard to Covid and can possibly manage this surge a bit better than many schools who are just pushing back their return dates.

It’s good that they are permitting those who want to be on campus though. But this set up gives Oberlin a bit of an advantage to see how bad January becomes.

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I just looked, and Oberlin just updated their covid info today. I don’t know if this part is new, but here’s what is says right now about auditions:

Are admissions-related events taking place? Will in-person auditions take place in January?

At present, all admissions-related events are expected to proceed as scheduled. Prospective students and admissions visitors should monitor ObieSafe and contact college and conservatory admissions staff regularly for updates. In the conservatory, information about on-campus auditions (dates, applicable vaccination requirements, and more) will be sent in early January.


I think this is new, kokotg! It wasn’t there around the time my son was sending in his application, that’s for sure.

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Wow- I looked yesterday at each of my son’s prospective schools and that information was not on the Oberlin site yet!

Thank you so much for posting that.


Oberlin just sent an email stating that they will send more info on audition dates and times in January. (This time I got the parent email lol.)


Yep-- it reads to me like they are gearing up to go virtual without saying it out loud yet.

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Just received a pass from NEC (cello)! Has anyone else heard?


No, I haven’t. What time was your email?

I also just got the audition invitation from NEC (piano performance)!


I got mine literally 10 minutes ago

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Yes, DD got a pass from NEC (violin) today.


Also just passed NEC for viola!