Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Yale did not pick my son from the over 50000 applicants they had. But they did write the most thoughtful rejection letter- his words, not mine.


Great news! :tada: Nice work and congrats to your daughter.

No real aid so not sure we can swing it but we’ll see.

Did you hear from Berklee?

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My kid is on a road trip in the desert, so we’ll see if he remembers to look at his email. He’s with his goofy pack of friends, and I’m not sure he knows that he should get an answer today, so chances are good he’s eating dry cereal at some weird motel and not checking. :laughing:


USC continues to be really kind whenever I have FA issues about what we need to upload, but they won’t be sending numbers for a while. That makes it very hard to celebrate/not. In the meantime, they’ve sent S a big package that feels like a sweatshirt. :slight_smile: I think it’s fun that the mail carrier, who’s known him since he was a much littler kid, knows what schools he’s getting the big packages from. :heart:


Wow, @Russian, what amazing options your daughter has before her. How will she choose, or is her list already ranked? (Sorry if I lost track of this part of the equation in this epic thread.)

Congrats on your daughter’s acceptance to Berklee, @VRFox!

My son has known since last night that his decision is just sitting there in the portal, but chose to wait till today to check it. I am of course climbing the walls! He received a pass from New School last week, and since he decided to only apply to two schools, well, this is it. He’s ready to launch NOW (after injuries forced him to shut down the application process in 2021). But if it turns out he is still at home next year, I guess that just means I get more time with him!


My senior son threw his hat in the ring for the yale ba/mm program and yale was the only school out of 9 that he didnt get an audition for. He is only looking for dual degree options and wrote it off. He said to me yesterday - its Ivy day wouldnt it be funny if Yale accepts me? i didnt know his applcation was still active for just the science and told him don’t hold your breath. Sure enough he got rejected. Outstanding academics and music accomplishments
107.6 gpa, 1590 SAT stellar psat. numerous math and science APs with all 5s, 4th of about 260 in class with demanding music endeavours as well, principal bass in 2 orchestras for years. National merit finalist, presidential scholar candidate, all state all eastern, all national double bassist, research student getting published, so much more. Just such a sweet and kind kid!!. He is not at all upset about Yale there is so much competition and understands but some of these trends in education are disturbing. IMO we are getting too far away from being rewarded for hard work.

Did your son find any other great programs. A program such as Yale’s is often overrun with applications. Hope there are some great options for your son to consider—he sounds like he’s doing an awesome job!

Yes! He has a multiple solid offers from schools with excellent bass professors. No other rejections, a few waitlists. Seems a challenge to get into certain really good schools science programs as a dual degree music applicant when there is so much competition among non dual degree applicants. On the music side we knew going in that many of the schools had so few spots to fill in the bass studio as few as 1 to most of 3 and its the music side that awarded him the most $$$ as we figured.


Anyone hear from NEC?

not yet

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Congratulations, @Davidyou. :slight_smile:

Mine wasn’t upset, either. He had originally planned on applying BA/MM but Yale had such different repertoire requirements(for cello) than most of his other schools that he decided to only apply undergrad and add the MM later if he went there.

There should not be 50000 kids who all think they might want to go to Yale at the same time. With such enormous odds against admission at any one school, it becomes a self-perpetuating and perverse admissions scene where students think they have to apply to more and more places.

I think being a stellar candidate has become a necessary but insufficient condition for admission. As I’ve said before, throwing darts and hoping one sticks.

My son also was primarily interested in double-degree, has your son decided where to matriculate?


Not yet . Still waiting on some decisions and financials. I don’t think it will be an easy decision.
To confuse things he had been waitlisted in a science school with acceptance to music side but decision said doesn’t prevent him from pursuing the 2nd science degree as a dual degree student :man_shrugging:? lol I think we will have some discussions with some admissions.

Son was accepted to Boston Conservatory for piano! We don’t have financial information yet, but I’m relieved he has an acceptance to balance the Eastman rejection. I hope we’ll be able to send him to one of the conservatories he was accepted to (BoCo, Berklee, or Mannes), but the cost is daunting. He has pretty much a free ride at a couple of TN state schools, but they’re not really noted for music. Hard decisions ahead.


I wonder if that’s like if one applies to Cleveland and doesn’t need to apply to Case Western separately?

Yes, hard decisions here too.

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Well nothing today from NEC so I guess tomorrow is the day.

Accepted to Peabody and CIM!!! VP, Soprano


Just wow!

Yep, we’re waiting on NEC, as well. Happy weekend!

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