Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Thank you! It was a close call, but as it was a toss-up beforehand, the surprise extra money made him stop overthinking. Plus it is now a good financial option for our family. Now I can finally make graduation announcements.


Congrats! We will see you there! Chicago is great!! If only they had better weather we would live there in a heartbeat.

My kid will get two years of ‘real’ winters (as compared to relatively mild Philadelphia). Looking forward to apartment hunting this summer when we move his stuff there.

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Thank you everybody for all of your posts which have been very informative and helpful!! And congratulations to you all for navigating this fairly stressful process of music admissions!

My son was very fortunate and had a very tough decision.He was wracking his brains till the end between multiple great schools and excellent financial offers all would have been great for him. He also briefly had second thoughts after committing but I think that would have happened no matter which he chose lol. In the end he chose Bard College Conservatory of music pursuing double bass performance and physics and where his brother is a sophomore cellist/physics student as well. Hats off to you all for being so involved!


This is so exciting!! I’ve been following along D23’s amazing journey since meeting you all in Nashville. Huge congratulations to all of you on what I’m sure was a difficult decision with so many incredible opportunities. My trumpet son is going to Oberlin dual degree and very excited too. I hope our kids stay in touch!


Congratulations to your son and to you!!! I am hoping too that they stay in touch!

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Wonderful news :tada:I think our DDs know each other too; dd24 has a similar long list of colleges ready for the autumn….

Maybe it is time for you to start our thread? S24 is probably not applying to conservatory programs but I will follow along as he applies to BA music programs.

YAY! Feel free to PM or reach out with any Oberlin questions!!


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did any of the waitlisted people hear back from berklee yet?

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Yay!! I kept coming back here waiting to learn where a fellow Flute mom’s kid was going! :slight_smile:


Awesome! Another Oberlin commit!!!


Hi there! My violinist son chose Oberlin as well.


Our child didn’t apply to Berklee. We haven’t heard anything from two other waitlists, though. I was thinking we’d hear something either way by now. Another school just increased scholarship, but we’d like to learn WL results before making a move.

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Yay and congrats! Please feel free to PM or reach out with any Oberlin questions!!

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My son just was offered admission to Colby off of the waitlist. Still going to go to Gettysburg/Sunderman. Didn’t expect to add to this now!


My son just found out he got into Berklee off the waitlist. His first choice and the thing he’s wanted since he started playing guitar, really. I’m so happy the wait is finally over!


I haven’t been on here for awhile. We had given up on conservatories because of the cost, and my son was all signed up to go to our local state college when Berklee finally responded to our financial aid appeal with a bigger offer. So we had a tough choice: a free college education with a good music program or a still very expensive dream school that was a much better fit in every way except cost. We decided to take the plunge and commit to Berklee. It’s a little crazy, but he’s a great kid who really needs this in his life. So he’s on his way to Berklee this fall!


Congratulations to your son @Pianomom1!
Very exciting to hear he will be attending Berklee as I recall he really loved the program when he auditioned. Sounds like a good fit for him and so happy to see it worked out!


My D has also committed to Bard Conservatory (BM VP + BA either theatre or dance)!! She is very excited after seeing the campus and having a lesson with her new voice teacher.


YESSSSS! I’m so happy for you both.

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