Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

It’s a great idea. It’s hard to work with required courses, like the ensembles my kid will be graded on, but extracurricular could be minimized.

In our case, we didn’t even know about how to apply to music programs a couple of months ago! We didn’t know how auditions work an that they’d be all at once. Luckily, we’ve made one audition fit on that weekend.

It’s been so hard on the musicians going through this. Half my son’s grades depend on ensembles and theory, and I think it helps that he’s not trying to also excel at math and science right now.

For Oberlin, you only need to apply and get accepted to both the college and the conservatory if you want a double degree. Otherwise musicians can apply only to the conservatory. At least , that was our experience four years ago.


I do believe you have to be accepted academically as well as to the Conservatory. My S22’s email stated that the conservatory and the college admissions were consulted on his acceptance, and he is not a double degree student. You do have to apply specifically to be a double degree student though, that is true. If you are only applying to the music school, the audition definitely weighs heavier than the academics, but the college does still have to accept you based on academics.

I do know a couple Oberlin students who were not in range academically but are obviously gifted musicians that are/were at the conservatory. It’s so hard, each school will weigh and do things their own way. We toured U Wisconsin Madison and the music admissions person there told us academic admissions were completely seperate from music.

My daughter got invited to Boston U today (undergrad vocal prescreen)! She is so excited, she’s never been to Boston at all. And we are done waiting! 8 schools applied to - 6 invites to audition, 1 is doing online only this year, didn’t pass one prescreen. I THINK we can make all 6 auditions work, it helps that 4 are in reasonable driving range. I am disappointed about the online only one, I don’t feel my kid will “show” well enough that way. She’s going to email after the new year and try to get a sample lesson, we have not previously had luck at this school with that.

On that note, I was super surprised she got an email about passing a prescreen on Christmas Eve. I truly hope the we regret emails aren’t also going out today!

My daughter wants to audition for a regional musical right in the middle of audition season so we’re trying to accomodate travel schedules to that. But at least rehearsals don’t start until March! She dual enrolls and is taking very MINIMAL classes this spring.


That’s true now as far as I can tell. My son is applying double degree, and they are processed as two totally separate applications. This is different from some universities, such as Vandy/Blair, where one needs to get accepted both into the program and into the school, although I imagine the academic standards might not be as high for musicians.

No, she did not. It is my understanding that both Juilliard and Curtis are inflexible on the dates that they assign. And frankly, it is too much- she needs to focus and save her voice and energy for auditions. At this point high school productions and choirs are on the back burner.
She has 6 auditions so far, 2 virtual and 4 live. Waiting to hear from 6 more…
Dreading the first no, which is inevitable. But she’s very happy with the results so far. I, however am beyond stressed.


You are correct that Juilliard and Curtis are not open to adjusting their audition schedules. They also tend to have auditions on the same weekend for many studios. I remember thinking it was an evil plot that kid would need to do Curtis/Juilliard back to back in the space of 24 hours at the end of a lot of auditions. But we came to realize that those two programs purposely put their auditions in proximity to accommodate the many international students who can then fly in for a short stay. It is also helpful to have these two high reach auditions in late February to early March. Candidates have several auditions under their belts to continue to improve their performances and hopefully gain in confidence.


Any idea when Eastman or Carnegie Mellon prescreening decisions will be coming out?

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I have been wondering the same for Bienen and Blair. Regular decision Vocal Performance

To those who have gotten through pre-screening at Oberlin: were you able to register for your final audition? My son filled out the audition form when he applied thinking it was for pre-screening, and is now wondering if it was supposed to be for final auditions. He can’t get through to anyone because of their break. Thanks.

Yes, they requested date preferences and have since sent confirmation of audition date and time.

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Thanks. I hope he can fix this; I found the master schedule so I know what the dates are…

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I read that CMU will let you know by January 10th.


Is anyone else waiting on UNT? I’m a little confused, and I wonder if anyone here can help. The info on prescreens says a response will come at least one month before your chosen audition date. Does that mean a date of their choosing, or something we were supposed to choose? I don’t think we did. Also, do you know if responses come to our personal emails or only through a portal we have to check, or acceptd? Thanks for any info you might know.

Here is the link to their audition schedule, just in case you haven’t already seen it. It looks like if he passed prescreens, his choices are 1/28, 2/25, and 2/4 (virtual only). Not sure if students can choose between 1/28 and 2/25.

Audition Schedule | College of Music (

Also, if he hasn’t heard anything, I don’t think it is problematic for him to call Music Admissions and ask for clarification about when he can expect to hear about prescreen results and choose an audition date if he passes. They are coming up, and people who want to choose flights need some leadtime.


The thing that confuses me is that our prescreen response will come “at least one month before your chosen audition date”. We have not chosen one during the prescreen process. I guess I’m putting the cart before the horse, but I’m looking at this crazy calendar. :slight_smile:

That is confusing. I think he should call and/or email and ask for clarificaiton.