Class of 2027 Undergrad/Class of 2025 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Oh, and congratulations to your son!


Hi everyone! Just wondering if anyone knows if Berklee Regular Decision comes earlier than end of March ? Good luck to all your kids as we limp along to the finish line!

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I think it may not be until March 30th/April 1st. I just got my acceptance from BoCo on March 15th for graduate, I believe that undergraduate will typically be released 2 weeks after. Assuming that BoCo and Berklee release decisions at the same time too.


It’s so hard to say. EA release was 1/31 according to their website. My son got his acceptance 12/15…


Oh my gosh reading that some instruments are hearing from Eastman has my daughter and I freaking out. What a LONG month March has been!


I know! My son really wants Eastman but doesn’t have confidence he’ll get in. It’s hard to still be waiting. However, yesterday I read an Eastman blog that explained how acceptances aren’t sent out all at once. They’re sent out as they finalize each acceptance, so you shouldn’t worry if others are hearing something and you’re not.


Ok, that’s good info. I was thinking they did it by instrument but I’ll take it!

Thanks! We are also waiting to hear about merit $$ from Frost.
Long month for sure :slight_smile: Being a music parent is not for the faint of heart!


Everyday I check in to see the updates. And I do think…man are people still waiting! Lol. I always called this March “madness”….bc it’ll drive your crazy.

I wish I had something good to say….but sometimes one of your biggest decisions comes at the last minute. Heavy sigh.

Hang in there. We survived this….and so can you!


Hi, where is the acceptance thread? I am technically challenged and somewhat overwhelmed by this site, but love it, lol!


Checking this thread is now part of my morning routine, I appreciate everyone’s support and good vibes, and really look forward to hearing how you and your kiddos are doing.

I have a very small group of “music parents” that understand the level of dedication and effort our kids are making this year, and will probably continue making through their careers if they decide to choose their professional path in music. I don’t even try to explain everything to “civilians”. It’s too much! :slight_smile:

You all make the wait easier and your celebrations and messages of support make my day and my daughter’s day better!

Just wanted to say Thank you!

It is a rainy and dark day in ATL and I am feeling a little sentimental, lol!


I’ve been lurking on this thread for awhile but have never posted. I’ve gotten a lot of good insights into schools and auditions here so thank you all for sharing your process. Our road has been a little different because my daughter is a songwriter/composer first and foremost so I didn’t have much to add to the conversation. But as we wind down, I just want to wish everyone good luck and say thank you for helping out a quiet lurker :slight_smile:


I believe this is the acceptance thread: Acceptance Thread for class of '27 Undergrad/'25 Grad

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It’s smoky, too, right? Fingers crossed that the sun shines through, literally and metaphorically!

Same here! Presidential?

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NYU decisions are out on March 28th!!!

Please do tell us more about your D’s journey, if you’re comfortable sharing! I’m sure future songwriters/composers would be grateful. Wishing your D lots of luck!


Because our oldest is in college (graduates this year with a degree in mechanical engineering), we felt pretty confident with how the college application process goes. HAHAHAHA Music is completely different and so much harder with all the regular things plus portfolio and auditions. We did our best to guide our daughter in this. Her first choice was NYU songwriting and she applied EDII and was rejected. She took it surprisingly well. Didn’t make it past prescreen for USC. But now she has been accepted to Harrt, UC Denver, SUNY Purchase, Drexel, Stevens Institute, and Columbia College. Waiting on Berklee and Frost. Getting past prescreen for Frost was a great boost after the early rejections.


People are saying on other threads that Miami released today! Good luck!


Hi! My son auditioned for the Jazz program/ drums. How about your child? He loved it. I just have no idea how many spots there are.