Class of 2028 - General Engineering admission advice needed

To be clear, classes are not the same as credits. You don’t need to take a specified number of classes, you just need to earn the required number of credits.

Students who can earn credits through AP, CLEP, dual-credit, etc. will not have to take as many classes as students who don’t earn those credits. Even 15 hours of earned credits can mean that you only need to take 4 classes most semesters instead of 5.

It’s generally good to have a couple of easy non-technical electives during your first year to help boost your GPA for ETAM. Once you’re past ETAM and into a specific engineering discipline, having fewer classes might make life a bit easier.

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Do you know where we can see list of what clep credits A&M accepts? I found a list of tests they offer for credit but wasn’t sure if that is all they accept?

Looks like this shows the list:

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Has anybody received a decision on Engineering Honors? Is it a rolling admission process or a specific date when notifications are sent? If rolling, how long after submission is normal to receive a decision?

Last year I don’t think people got decisions until January or February.