Class Rank

Does IB impacts your chances to get a higher class rank psitively or negatively? Assuming that AP and IB have same GPA weight

My child’s school has a weighted rank and an unweighted rank. AP/IB/honors courses impact weighted gpa and weighted rank not unweighted rank.

I meant taking lots of AP that you like or follow IB program, what’s more GPA friendly?

I would say that it depends on which IB classes you take

At my school, the IB program was the only way I had a shot at being valedictorian, because any honors class counts towards our weighted GPA. However, it’s different for every school, so I would ask students in your school’s IB program on the level of work required.

Depends what school you go to. At my school, taking easy IB classes and doing well in them can boost your weighted GPA and therefore your class rank, since all IB classes are weighted. But being full IB does take additional work…