Class Sizes at Purdue

<p>For any current students, what has been your experience with class sizes at Purdue? My d is interested in either an education or liberal arts major. I know the statistics say that 78% of classes have fewer than 27 students...but what does it feel like in the real world of intro level classes? </p>

<p>And what about the prevalence of TA's?</p>

<p>Intro. level classes as you probably know would be the most packed classes that anyone in college will really have. Most of the classes are under 30 students for mandatory freshman year classes as MA152/153/159, ENGL106, and COM114. Since your d is going into LA or Ed. she prob will be taking other classes like PSY120 which is around 250 students. It really depends on the classes she takes but for stuff like math, english, and foundamentals of speech I really wouldn’t worry. </p>

<p>My experiences with TA’s have been good and bad. Usually for all 100’s level math, you will have an international TA. English is the second language for them so at times students don’t really understand what they are saying in which makes it tough for the students to understand what they are learning. In other classes, TA’s have had no real effect on my learning.</p>

<p>Yeah most of the intro classes will have more students if they’re lectures and some will have recitation about once a week. Kind of depends on the class. Once you get to junior year most classes will be between 20-50 students depending on the class.</p>

<p>Some of the lecture classes are huge… one of the chemistry lecture rooms has a capacity to seat 500+ people.</p>