Classical music at Purdue?

My son’s a cellist and I know there’s an orchestra at Purdue, but are there other opportunities for classical music such as chamber groups? I know Purdue is known mostly for its band music.

@sbjdorlo‌ Hi again! My daughter Googled for information about the music offerings (she plays multiple woodwind instruments) and found a PDF from 2013 that described all of their music groups and how you audition. Purdue’s music program is entirely made up on non-music majors since they don’t have a music school, and the descriptions were impressive in that they are set up to accommodate for the fact that kids are busy studying hard subjects at Purdue. I think there was an orchestra and other small groups with strings.

Thanks for the information, @NorthernMom61! I think my son would like to do chamber music, if possible. Even if he forms his own quartet, it would be nice to have a coach and some chamber sessions. He could do the orchestra, too, but prefers smaller ensembles or a string orchestra because of his hearing loss (sounds odd, but it’s true; the louder instruments and bigger groups make it harder for him to hear his instrument).

Awesome! Purdue actually has two orchestras. It has no music major, however, the orchestras are a two hour class and a nice boost for those who enjoy music to continue to play and be around others who enjoy music. The Symphony Orchestra is for all students and essentially requires competence in their instrument. The Philharmonic Orchestra requires the student be quite good and have played at a high level in other orchestras ie. HS, regional youth orchestra etc. Many of the students in the Philharmonic are grad students. Your S would audition in July/August before his freshman year. I believe our D audtioned at STAR. My D plays viola and is currently in the Philharmonic. Her first year she was in the Symphony Orchestra as the Philharmonic did not fit her schedule.

Fun fact, she is currently with the orchestra (a combination of any in either orchestra who wanted to go) in Spain. They played a concert in Madrid on Monday and will play another in Barcelona on Friday. There was a study abroad scholarship and the balance came from earnings she saved working her co-op. Since the orchestras are essentially a voluntary class, participation is on a semester by semester basis. It works out well when one is co-oping as they can be away and then continue playing when they return.