Clemson Admissions-Class of 2026

D’s application is ready to submit, but wondering how letters of rec get submitted. Do they get uploaded in the portal after the application is received?

you can invite your recommender (s) on common app.

they send a link to the recommender.

it will get downloaded by all the schools you assign.

Should have specified, she did the Clemson application and not the common app. That’s why I can’t figure it out.

I would suggest reaching out to Clemson to ask…just to be sure.

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I am not fully clear on how Clemon reports the average grade in the common data set, but South Carolina has a different HS grading scale than most states. That is driving up that average weighted GPA up here in recent years. Colleges here will have their formulas convert out of state and colleges where SC students apply to will convert their data. SC transcripts do also convert and tabulate a 4.0 scale unweighted for reporting.

I think the Class of 21 would have been the first without any grandfathered grades from the old scale for HS classes taken in middle school.

At Public High Schools here a 100 “A” equals a 5.0 in CP, 5.5 in Honors, and a 6 in AP and DE.

If her HS uses Naviance she will have the recommendations sent via that program. Log into Naviance and she lets her school counselor and teachers know where she applied and needed documents.

If they do not use Naviance, the school should have shared directions on next steps.

Also, if using the Clemson application Portal and not Common App, make sure to log back in and make sure it was accepted. There were glitches and user errors last year.

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Thank you for the info! They do use Naviance so that makes sense now.


Mine applied nursing also in 8-1. She did not submit sat scores. Top 3% of class , 4.0 UW GPa, 5.1 weighted w her schools toughest rigor courses (all IB). We are in state. No allegiance to Clemson so we will see! Best of luck. A 5% acceptance for nursing means that unfortunately many outstanding candidates will be turned away it seems.

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A helpful tidbit for those hoping for more competitive programs- the number of students that enroll is smaller than the actual number who get in, so acceptance rates are probably higher than you think!

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for anyone interested in applying to the Honors College


thank you. my brother is applying. but with a 1380 its a long shot. his top two schools are Clemson and UMiami. he wishes Clemson had ED.


Good luck to him!

Thank you!

My son applied Aug 31, application downloaded by Clemson 9/1. His stats:
In state
1430 SAT
3.96 nw/5.03 w gpa
40/993 (top 4%)
11 APs and all honors, 4 and 5 on all AP exams
2 varsity sports all 4 years
EC and had a job
National Merit semifinalist
Great recs and personal statement

What are his chances for finding out early in the nov/dec wave?

My husband and I are both Clemson alum. He’s applied to other schools but several are reach schools. February seems such a long ways away. It’s brutal.

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With his gpa, rigor, NMSF and rank, guessing he’ll probably hear by mid December. Did he apply to the Honors College?

He has not applied to the Honors college. My husband was in the HC. My son hasn’t decided if he will or not.

:+1: The application is due much earlier this year which peaked my curiousity. If accepted into the HC, I also recommend applying to the Eureka program for anyone interested in research.

Based on stats and being instate he will get in and probably hear in December, if not earlier. Make sure he can see everything done and accepted in his portal. Last year there were glitches and/or kids who missed a step when logging into the portal and their application was not processed until April.

The financial aid package and merit took forever to come last year - months after some had been admitted. I am hoping this has been remedied.

He will be a Palmetto Fellow instate so that is your known merit money (remember, depending on major the instate scholarships are hard to hang onto - like in Engineering).

Merit funds are not tied to the honors college. They actually bill an extra $500 at Clemson for the honors college, so a lot do not bother with it. The scholars programs do have merit ties to them.

Thank you for the wealth of information. He is my oldest so we are all new to this. My husband did not think the HC was worth it when he went but that’s just his opinion. My son’s first major choice is engineering (bio) and 2nd choice is Biochemistry. At this time he doesn’t want to apply to the HC, but we will see. Yes, we just got word he’s been awarded the Palmetto. Does this mean no merit award from Clemson? Sorry, newbie here.

It is confusing - think of the game “shoots and ladders,” to start, he automatically get $6700 for Palmetto, for his stats Clemson may offer a few thousand more the first year, but do not hold your breath. Palmetto goes to $7500 the next three years if he meet the requirements (# of credits and lifetime GPA - includes HS dual credit classes). Many end up taking summer classes to try to get back into qualifying - they can take them at your local tech college to save money (CoC financial aid directly told my son to do this). Then for STEM majors, he will get another $2500 for the next three years. Some 5 year programs at Clemson let them have the same funding for the 5th year.

He should get into Engineering at Clemson instate with his stats. Not sure need honors college with that or bio chem. There are so many opportunities for research, etc…

D21 ended up out of state with better merit offer - total cost ended up less than Clemson in-state. I think the merit came in to bring the total to just under $10,000 including Palmetto. That seems about where several kids landed.

Here is the link to the SC info on Palmetto