Clemson Class of 2024

98% of applicants will get their decision in mid-February. The letters going out in November and December are to a very select few “highly desireable” candidates.

My son received his envelope today. The hack started working on Thursday for him. He applied 10/15 but the transcript wasn’t processed until 11/10. He has a 32 ACT and a GPA of 97. School doesn’t rank. Good luck!

D received her acceptance letter today, had tried the hack last week and got the same message everyone else has posted about enter your code from your acceptance letter.

SAT 1470
GPA: weighted: 4.3904 (not recalculated, this is from her high school)
unweighted: 4.0 on 4.0 scale
Class rank: 5/497 (top 1.5%)
major: Engineering
Applied in Mid-late October
Losts of ECs with a lot of leadership
Acceptance letter informed her that she has been chosen to receive a scholarship and will receive letter with amount in February.

Just an FYI…to see if the hack works, you have to enter a number into the space that says “enter your activation code”…when we randomly entered a six digit number up until Thursday the page said something like “no number on file”. After Thursday it said “that number doesn’t match the one on record”

^^ Is that the response others are getting on the “hack”? ^^ (above post by @Rubix1 )

My OOS daughter was a semi finalist for the Lyceum Program and was wait listed in the first round of notifications. When I called the admissions office they told me that it was a separate process. And that her class rank is what wait listed her. She was 101/850 with 3.95/4.95 gpa. She did end up getting in but it was too late and she I just down the road at UGA.

@sunnyschool @Rubix1 Mine says “No activation token found on record.” what does this mean??

That is what his said up until Thursday of this week when it switched to something like “That doesn’t match our records”

For those that got their notification today, what is the date on the letter ? Congrats !

What if a school doesn’t rank?

I have two kids at Clemson and neither one of their high schools ranked.

I heard back yesterday, with the letter dated as 11/13! So excited!

@qcmomof3 top 11% held her back…really? That is crazy. When was she ultimately admitted?

Congrats to everyone who has already been accepted! For those who are accepted, do you care to post stats if you haven’t already?

She was admitted Late April - maybe around the 20th. She was very disappointed. When I talked to the admissions lady in January? she said that they look at benchmarks - GPA, test score and Class Rank if the school calculates it. And that even though my child met the first two she didn’t meet the third and was automatically kicked to wait list. My daughter had also spent two summers at CU For their Science enrichment camps. The admissions lady was quite surprised when I told her that she was a semi finalist for the L.P. (not based on my child’s merit but more that it wasn’t noted at all in her file).

Our high school stopped ranking because I think there was very little difference between students when so many are so close together in achievement and it created a culture of anxiety as well. I believe our schools sends a profile so you can see what’s offered etc

Don’t you think that choice of major and rigor of high school curriculum matters more than meeting a certain GPA?

It would be interesting to know their formula. One friend told me they told her last year that it’s major and test scores and then gpa

The hack changed today. When entering a random 6 digit code, it now says “that does not match the token on file”. Previously it had sad “no record on file” ??

Drich21 what 6 digit code did you use?