Clemson Class of 2024

Same …no token found on record…applied 10/28

I am currently scrambling to finish my application due on the 1st of December. I have ran into a problem with the AP testing section. Throughout my high school career, I have taken 10 AP classes and their exams. Unfortunately, there are only 7 drop-down spots available for me to put in those tests in the application. Has anyone else run into this problem? If you have, what is your best suggestion on how to resolve this?


Our big Tigertown bound envelope came today!! Letter was dated 11/21 which is when the hack changed for her. In-state, accepted for nursing.

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Acceptance letter arrived today as well. Letter was dated 11.21.19. The hack changed on 11.18.19

sat 1430
wgpa 4.75
11 AP classes
In state
major: engineering
applied date: 8.8.19
acceptance date 11.21.19

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@mebmama Congratulations to your daughter!! Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting; hoping we hear some more good news this weekend!

Tigerbound envelope arrived today as well! DS17 is at work so don’t know the letter date but can see the Congratulations in the window. The hack changed on 11/18/19. Now to wait for him to get home. This will be first acceptance letter.

Congratulations to all accepted students and best wishes to all that are still waiting for their news.

sat - 1430
wgpa - 4.60
uwgpa - 4.0
Numerous AP and Duel enrollment
major - Mathematics
applied date: 11/13/19 (acceptance much sooner than expected)
acceptance date - assume it is similar to other posters of 11/21 but will update if different.

Edit to add DS17 school does Class Rank and he is #3 of 390. I know that there has been quite a bit of discussion around merit so I will be most curious to see what if any he is offered OSS merit

We also had a USPS notice that “could not be scanned” today,

which hack?

These are the two that we checked prior to letter

The letter says to go to and takes you to the below

This looks like the same link that we were trying prior to the letter. Also DS letter is dated 11/21 and has scholarship language for February,2020.

Hope this helps!

@Redi2cruise2024 @mebmama @Rubix1 @130happymom (and others) - CONGRATS!

Son’s is saying “Please enter activation code from your acceptance letter”.
Before it said the “No token found on record” message.

Is this a good sign? What did yours say before you got the letter?

@sunnyschool thank you and yes, that is what I saw, but I was optimistically cautious.

My DS did not know that I was able was checking behind the scenes especially since he only formally applied a couple of weeks ago. His scores and transcript had been submitted because of other applications that are in process so the last piece for him was the actual application. I was hesitant to put too much weight in the accuracy at the time because of the lateness of application.

I obviously have no real insight into the validity of the portal test, but the trends lean towards accuracy at least for early decisions. IMHO, based on reading last years thread, it appears less reliable predictor later in the process.

My daughter also received her acceptance letter yesterday with a letter dated 11/21.

Out-of-state (Ohio)
Class rank: 1/623
GPA: 7.708/8
11 APs and dual enrollment
ACT: 31 (composite)
Major: Biological Sciences
Applied on Aug. 1.

If this helps—we have made several trips to Clemson over the years and have met with admissions privately as well as and talked to them at Spring Blitz. They told us it really depends on who is assigned to read your application. I am not sure if they do it by major or how they are assigned. So have faith and good luck to everyone!!

Go Tigers!

my on boarding link said to enter the code from the acceptance letter about 10 days before i received my letter

Hi. I am curious how everyone is finding out about Clemson? I thought they released decisions in January for EA. Is it really rolling? Or is it students with high stats that are getting merit? Please, can someone explain this to me? Thank you

what is the hack? I have a nephew that applied a few months ago - do you get an email from Clemson once the application is submitted to set up a portal?

@hcmom65 Clemson doesn’t have EA or rolling admissions, but they have early consideration. If applications are received by Dec. 1st, they will be notified by mid February. However, some higher stat students will hear earlier. These notifications begin in early November with additional rounds throughout November, December and January. The vast majority of admissions decisions are sent in mid February. What you are seeing are a very small percentage of admitted students. If your nephew hasn’t heard, he is in the majority of applicants and shouldn’t worry at this point. Most will not hear until February.
Clemson does not have an applicant portal; once they submit an application they receive an email with a CU ID#. Once all supporting documents are received, he will receive another email notifying him all documents have been received and his application is complete. If he applied early on and hasn’t received a confirmation, he can call admissions and reference his CU ID#.
The hack is simply the onboarding link that is sent in the admissions letter. In theory, after you enter your CU ID #, the website will say something like “enter the activation code from your acceptance letter” if you’ve been admitted. People have used this over the years as a backdoor way of finding out their admissions status a week early. The new links were posted earlier in this thread (see posts above); I cannot attest to the accuracy and would be leery of using it to determine status without letter in hand. Clemson notifies students with the Tigertown Bound admissions package.
Good luck to your nephew!

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@Tigerwife92 Thank you so much. He says he never got any emails - so that is a bit concerning. He will call on Monday. Thank you again for explaining so well. I appreciate it.

@hcmom65 you’re welcome. I’d also have him do a search of his inbox and spam; it could’ve gotten “lost” in the barrage of college emails they receive daily.

Daughter got accepted last week, in state, general engineering, offered scholarship but unsure of the amount. She also has Palmetto scholars, which is the state scholarship. Finished her application 4 weeks ago, so this was early surprise. Clemson is not her first choice though, so she is still waiting.

@1Benice May I ask where else your daughter is considering? My S21 sounds similar - wants to pursue engineering, has already qualified for the Palmetto as a junior. We went through the grind last year w S19, but his focus was business - engineering is a new area for us.