Clemson Class of 2024

Got the acceptance letter Nov. 29. I never got an email, and I didn’t try the hack at any point.
In state applicant, engineering major, 1420 SAT 3.8/4.8 gpa, no ranking done at school, plenty of ECs including clubs and an internship, 8 APs.
Applied 9/29
Accepted 11/21

My son just received his Tiger Town Bound letter Friday(11/29/19) he applied the 1st week of August. He’s in state, made a 1390 on SAT, #13 out of 587, not sure of exact GPA. Took all honors, several AP and dual enrollment classes. Only clubs are NHS and NTHS. The letter stated he will receive a scholarship. We did try the “hack” 2 weeks ago and it said “enter ID from your acceptance letter”, so I think it does actually work:) we are over the moon excited, now we just need to figure out which dorm to choose?!?!

Hi everyone! My son got accepted as “pre-business”. Letter came much earlier than we expected. He applied 11/8 and found out on 11/29. OOS, 1510, top 5%, lots of rigor and leadership. They are smart to let him know early though because being from NJ, this will give us time to figure out a way to get down there and tour campus or participate in an accepted students day. This was his first acceptance and we don’t know much about Clemson but hear great things.

SammoJ : Carnegie Mellon

Been trying the hack for a few weeks now. Keeps saying “enter your ID from your acceptance letter” but we haven’t received an acceptance yet. Thoughts???

@collegemomjam Congratulations on your son’s acceptence into Clemson. His acceptance into Clemson in November indicates that he is a highly qualified applicant.

Clemson is a great school with an awesome campus with lots of school spirit and energy. But like any school you should have your son visit and see if it is a place that makes sense for him based on school size, major etc.

Again congratulations to your son and good luck.

@calyn23 the ID should have been sent to you in the email confirming the application is complete, subject “Clemson Complete Application Notification”.

@burghdad thanks so much! I’m excited to take him to see it. His sisters are at colleges in the Northeast but he is interested in living in a different part of the country. I completely agree that he needs to see it. I think the biggest downside is that it’s not near a city and he might miss having access to one. But it’s not a deal breaker.

@collegemomjam be sure to take a ride to Greenville. It is a great small city with lots of restaurants, theaters, a couple of comedy clubs, etc. We stop into Gvl any time we are visiting our kids in Clemson. Fun town. If you are flying into Greenville Airport it is a ten minute drive, or an easy stop off the highway from Charlotte airport. My kids take advantage of Gvl quite a bit and my son who graduated from Clemson now lives there and is planning his wedding there as well.

My daughter got her acceptance in the mail on friday (day after Thanksgiving). 1410 SAT, school doesn’t rank, 4.292 weighted GPA. Undeclared. Good luck to everyone!

In state? Did you try the hack prior?

@Drich21 haven’t tried the hack and probably won’t. Good luck to you.

@netpro yes that’s the ID i put in for a few weeks now. applied in August and application complete first week of October. (had to wait for school to send transcripts) after i put the number in for the hack its been saying “welcome to clemson…etc” but no letter yet!


Can anyone chance me? Im nervous because of my SAT.
Female (In-state)
SAT: 1210
UWGPA: 3.7
WGPA: 4.64
Rank: 68/493
Top HS in SC
5 APs: Human Geo, Euro, Environmental Sciences, Biology, Psych
Honors sciences, math, english and social studies
Applied for the bio program
Participated in marching and concert band all 4 years, leadership position for 3/4 years. Won 3 state championships, 2 regional championships. Region and county honor concert bands.

@Jennysc19 Based on everything I read about Clemson admissions they don’t really do holistic review and thus the SAT/ACT and GPA seem to be the most important factors with the mid-50% SAT range being 1220-1400 (avg 1310). It’s difficult to see what the breakdown would be for your major, but to better your chances you should try to raise your SAT score if you still have time, otherwise you don’t know as Clemson has gotten very competitive.

Personally, I’m pretty suspicious and until another wave of acceptance letters comes out I don’t think this ‘hack’ has a grain of truth to it. I typed in my CU ID and got the same prompt asking to type the activation code from the acceptance letter (which I have not yet received).

@Minik02 what do you get when you enter “dummy” 6 digit PIN? Depending on what message you get at that time you can make assumptions.

Sorry @Tigerwife92 - I really have not been on the boards in a LONG time but Matt, Andrew and Molly are the happiest little cubs in all of Tigertown! They absolutely LOVE Clemson! They have met great new friends and are enjoying everything about life at Clemson!!! If anyone has questions or just wants to reach out, the best way to reach me is via e-mail at I’m happy to help if I can. Cannot recommend Clemson highly enough. And I MUST SAY that the Clemson COMMUNITY of Moms and Dads has been beyond my wildest expectations. The local parents love and take care of OOS kids as if they are their own. Truly wonderful in every way!

Just a quick word of caution about OOS scholarships… my DD met the criteria for an “auto” scholarship and did not get anything. I don’t know if this is because she is in a limited major (Nursing) or maybe the field last year was exceptionally strong but I just don’t want anyone to think these numbers are GUARANTEED.