Clemson Class of 2024

@swimmomofficial you’re welcome! Those were the OOS merit levels from the NPC for the class of 2023.

@swimmomofficial My son’s letter was also dated 12/5. We were a bit surprised to get it in the mail, today. Thought we’d be waiting until February, as well.

@Tigerwife92 Thank you for re-posting those numbers. Looks like we could be getting enough to make Clemson feel like an in-state school, which is good since my son didn’t have any of those on his application list. Sigh.

@HokieCrazy you’re welcome and congrats to your son! The amounts and score levels do change, so stay tuned; I’m sure someone will post when the NPC’s are available for the class of 2024. Good luck to everyone waiting, keeping my fingers crossed!

@Momtofourkids It is still very early in the admission process. I agree with the other parent–I wouldn’t worry! I know the wait is hard…my daughter is still waiting to hear from two schools as well.

My son was rejected from Duke today. He has a 35 ACT and a 4.0 - along with a 2 page resume. He’s a 3-sport varsity athlete, National Merit Commended scholar, in the top 10% of his class, and he has taken 8 AP classes (got a 4 or a 5 on all the tests.) It’s INSANE!! Clemson is one of his other schools he is applying to. He had everything completed back in October, and still hasn’t heard anything. So he’s really disheartened.

I know your son is disheartened and I am sorry. What our children need to know is it’s not where they go to college that matters, it is what they do there that counts. He will find his home.

@Tigerwife92 – this merit info is so helpful! Is it guaranteed very year? My S21 may be applying OOS to Clemson next and looking for merit $$.


@ArbonneMom so sorry to hear about your son’s rejection. Such a horrible process for both kids and parents. With those stats he is obviously a go-getter and is going to make an impact and have a great experience wherever he ends up!

@AlmostThere2018 merit is never guaranteed. Clemson states the following: “Domestic out-of-state students with at least a 1340 (EBRW+M) on the SAT or a 29 on the ACT composite and who are ranked** in the top 10%* of their high school class will be considered for a renewable merit scholarship.” Emphasis on the word considered. If an acceptance letter states a merit scholarship was awarded, then they will receive a merit scholarship, amount TBD. @burghdad could perhaps give insight into what Clemson requires of students between the scholarship award letter they receive in February and graduation to ensure they don’t “lose” their scholarships? He’s much more educated on Clemson’s merit process.

@AlmostThere2018 you’re welcome; I just copied and pasted.? luckily the threads from previous years have been very helpful.

Thanks @Momtofourkids ! Ironically, I also have 4 kids (boys) and this is our first go-round with the college admissions process. So far, I’m not a fan :wink:

Sorry to hear that @ArbonneMom. Been there when my son was medically deferred from West Point–that was hard for him to hear. Looking back, it wouldn’t have been a good fit. Your son sounds like a great student and will find the right college home!

Has the hack changed since it started in early 2018. I remember my daughter’s Clemson application being one of the first one’s to use the hack. Supposedly, if you enter your CUID number and hit enter, you would get one of two choices. If you got through to the next page, then it meant that the hack worked and you can type in your 6 digit code (that code was sent to you in the Tigertown package) and you knew you were accepted. If your CUID didn’t work on that first page, then you’d get an error message and you were either denied or waitlisted. Is the hack still working in that method?

@AlmostThere2018 scholarship is guaranteed for 4 years so long as the student takes at least 12 credits and maintains a 3.0 or better.

@ArbonneMom I understand your frustration. I am a mom of 3 boys, my youngest is going through this now. It is a miserable process and nothing about it is fair or straightforward, especially with more competitive schools. Its not a reflection of who your son is as a student or a person. At one admissions office we visited, the rep said one year he had gone to Buffalo and had gotten food poisoning, so he automatically rejected any applicants from Buffalo. Your son will land where he is supposed to. Good luck!

@burghdad thank you for the information!

Does anyone know if Clemson recalculated OOS grades to align with South Carolina grading system?

@ArbonneMom my son was rejected from Duke last year. 1540 SAT 35 ACT (took each one time), unweighted 4.0, highest rigor, 5s on all APs, 800s on two SATII subject tests, valedictorian, tons of ECs, outstanding recs. It is totally insane! I think the acceptance rate at Duke last year was 6% in line with Harvard. He applied regular decision and by the time it came out he had already committed to Ga Tech where he is happy and thriving - it truly is the perfect place for him. I am sure your son will land somewhere great! I know you can’t draw comparisons particularly from year to year but our boys stats seem similar and my son was accepted to Clemson last year with the highest level of OOS merit. I am sure your son is in good shape!

@HokieCrazy we thought we would be waiting until then too.

Received acceptance letter in the mail yesterday 12/12 (submitted app on 12/1)
OOS (NJ) — Pre-Business (Undeclared)
Was told I’m getting merit scholarship but amt unknown

SAT 1500
GPA 4.65W
8 APs
Many ECs w leadership positions and lots of service
AP Scholar w Distinction, NHS, WLNHS, biliterate in French + English