Clemson Class of 2024


Still says “No activation code found” for me.

Not a good sign.

Don’t worry, it’ll come in

Assuming if I’m denied, it will never change for that screen/step?

I would think only admitted students will get to that screen/step?

@Lacole03 The current thinking is that it will continue to say No Activation Record on file if you are not admitted OR if you are admitted to Bridge OR Waitlisted. Also last year the hack started changing around 4-5 days before acceptances were received. So don’t expect a change yet. Keep the faith! Hoping for good news here too. Good luck!

Question- how do you find out if you are wait listed or denied. Will you receive a letter around feb 15th?

@Massmom2020 regular white envelope for denials and waitlist. Same week as acceptances. At least that is how it has been in the past.

Thk u! I hate the waiting!

Congrats @jellyobrien ! Could you share how exactly it worked for you? Assuming you have an acceptance letter? TIA

Are they still sending out acceptance letters at this time or do they stop until mid-Feb? Is anyone still getting notifications?

Do they only send letters? Or do you get an email saying your application status has been updated?

I am not sure about that. There are several students at my S school (including him) that have great stats and have not heard yet. It may be related to the school. Don’t forget, some applications need to go through more that one major for consideration. Waiting is hard!

Unless something has changed, Clemson only sends decision letters by mail.

my child only received his acceptance by mail.

Hi! I’ve heard about two hacks for those still waiting for their decision notification. I know about the 2-step hack with the CUID and then the random 6-digit activation code, but what is the other hack? I believe people have referred to it as the Tiger Days hack? How does that hack work and is it pretty accurate?

@gat2bm over the years parents have tried 3 different hacks: admissions, Future Tiger Day, and housing. If you read back over the threads from previous years, you’ll see the closer it got the February date, the less reliable the hacks became. First example, admission hacks worked, but the student was either accepted to bridge or deferred. I’m rooting for your students, and I hope we hear they’re Tiger Town bound soon!

Tiger Days registration is now done by email invite so there is no hack there I believe. February will be here soon!

We have a current sophomore in the Honors College. Back when we were waiting for his decisions, the large acceptance envelope arrived late December in the mail for the University and then he had to wait until Feb 15 to check online for honors decision.
Not sure if things have changed but now our youngest son is awaiting both Clemson decisions, University and Honors…ugh!!
Good luck and congrats to all!!
We are OOS in NJ… planning on moving to SC this summer:)

@corgipoo … they accept their high-stat applicants early so there is a better chance they enroll. Most of us will hear in February (like me). That’s how it always has been.

After seeing that my daughter finished the semester strong with straight A’s with a strong schedule. I called Clemson this morning to ask about them looking at first semester grades and how that works as it’s so close to decision time and the woman on the phone fairly abruptly said “oh we don’t want them. We don’t look at them.” I was hoping that it might push her over a bit since her gpa was her weakest area since she had Bs in math and science. Her weighted is 3.9 so seeing a 4.7 for first semester is a better indication of the student she is. She has a 28 composite and 30 super score ACT (I know they don’t superscore). Anyway… the recording said anyone who submitted their application before Jan 15 would find out first week of February. anyone after would be on a rolling basis. So it seems as if those decisions have been made. The hack hasn’t changed for her. Still says no activation code on record. She is applied for Graphic Communications. We are waiting on Clemson before deciding for sure. She already is into some good programs at Penn State and Tennessee. But Clemson is her first choice.

@katcap what recording? Are you sure it said we would find out the first week of Feb? That has never been done before. Normally its around the 15th. Fingers crossed if that is correct. If you follow Clemson University social media you will see the Tiger bringing the acceptance notifications to the post office. That will also give you a good indication when you should be expecting their decision. Supposedly the hack will only change a week before you will receive the official packet so that would make sense why it has still not changed if it is really working still. Good Luck!