Clemson Class of 2024

@Student13588 I believe the original post said he “heard” they were being sent Friday. Check social media and you will see when they are mailed. I know waiting stinks

Does anyone know what my chances are for getting into the nursing school?
-3.87 unweighted GPA
-1320 SAT

@MelSpears. I believe Ho it’s decisions are not mailed, they are found on your students Clemson portal.

Oops, I meant Honors decision

My son was told he would find out his merit in February. No exact date was provided.

Any update on when they’re mailing?

I just checked the Hack this morning and my DD changed as of this morning. It used to say “No Token Found”. Now it says “The activation token you entered does not match the one on record. Please try again.” Hopefully this is good news and letters are being mailed soon.

Someone posted yesterday it should be this week sometime, but who knows

@gobux what state do you live in?

@gobux … they said the hack does not work.


MA hack does not work. No updates were made to any student who had Clemson as a safety either.

Ok, good to hear bc im in Ma.

Hack didnt work. Also in MA

Maybe they are just making some updates today. It definitely changed for my daughter. I have a screen shot from December and then today

@gobux The hack changed for me as well. I received the “the activation token you entered does not match the one on record” message this morning, while in the past months I have received the “no token found”

I hope this is Good News!! Where do you live? My daughters stats are GPA 3.94 and ACT 29

Awesome! Good luck and what major?

Hi! Can someone tell me more about the Bridge to Clemson program? My test scores and GPA fall under what they usually accept so i’m definitely not expecting to be accepted. However, they are decent enough to maybe have the Bridge me an option. Do they just take in state students? Is there a specific GPA or ACT they look for for that? Thanks!