Clemson Class of 2024

My pleasure! Good luck and if you have any other questions please feel free to contact me. My son is a senior at Clemson now and we are hoping our HS daughter now gets accepted. It is a wonderful school!

It took a while for my daughter to get her final completed application email. She applied Aug 9 but they were awaiting the transcript from her high school which she asked her counselor to send over the summer and even though she sent it mid August I think my daughters email didnā€™t come until Sept 22.

I do assume the more applications that come in the longer it will take. We sent ours Aug. 1st the first day it opened so I am sure there were not as many as there are now coming in.

Application complete email arrived today (About 11 days after everything was submitted ā€¦ and now we waitā€¦

Received the ā€œapplication completeā€ email this morning also. Submitted around 10/1.

My son applied to Engineering and has not received this packet. What did it have in it?

My son did not receive this packet and he applied to engineering. What did it have in it?

After entering my CU ID# from the link in the ā€œApplication Completeā€ email. I am now getting the ā€œEnter Activation Code from Acceptance Letterā€. Is this still valid an indicator of acceptance, the letter is in the works? FWIW basic stats: OOS applying to Engineering, 3.89 GPA, 34 ACT, went to campus and have stayed in touch with the Admissions officer.

there is no proof either way that the ā€œhackā€ is valid at this time. We have not heard of it not working for anyone so I would assume it is not valid right now. You have great stats though so I am sure you if you are accepted you will be one of the lucky ones to hear in November. Keep us posted and good luck!


Did you already receive an acceptance letter?

First wave of acceptances usually come out early November. Highly desirable candidates (High GPA/Rank/Scores)

Good luck to all! Here we go.

From reading the thread of the 2024 grad year, they started getting acceptance letters around Nov 13. Anyone hear anything yet or may be too early?

S20 applied to Clemson on Friday. Fingers crossed!

Too early still. Just met with admissions on Friday for my daughter. Usually around both holidays the first and second round appear.

Did anyone do the hacks yet? Not sure if there is any truth to it.

Every one who has tried so far that I know it has worked which leads me to believe it is not active yet

Hmmm. Earlier in the tread someone said theirs didnā€™t work and others did. Again not sure if there is any truth to this or just wishful thinking :slight_smile:

Iā€™m excited to hear! Hope acceptances start rolling in!

I know someone who got their acceptance today! In-state high stats but at least we know they have begun sending acceptances.

Wow mweb136, they must be thrilled. If you do not mind me asking, was it by email or mail? Thanks and congrats to them.