Clemson Class of 2024

What do you mean whenever you say the hack doesn’t work?

If the hack works, what would you see? My DS’ says acceptance code not found.

@demondeacon No. They probably update in waves just like actual decisions. NJ and MA tend to be the largest OOS applicant pools and therefore take the most time. It is in part their review process that creates these waves. My guess is that as time goes on each day, they’ll update once or twice a day in the days leading up to the physical mail being sent out. As usual, I would not base acceptances on the said “hack” but it does appeal to me that the gears are turning in admissions.

The activation token does not match the one on file. Try again

@taamom, I think most are meaning the status hasn’t changed which might indicate some type of acceptance. Others posted the hack no longer works meaning Clemson fixed it so people couldn’t use it. At least this is my understanding… hope others will chime in if I explained this incorrectly. I’m in SC - no change so far.

Update from NJ, it appears to be working now (wheras it did not this afternoon.

Hope it’s a good sign! :slight_smile:

Looks like good news from the hack in PA. 34 ACT 4.5 weighted GPA.

Hack does not work for me

Applied Undeclared OOS

When you go to

You enter your CUID they emailed you when you applied

Then it will go to screen that asks you to input your 6 digit activation code

Type in 123456

If it says “No Activation Token Found on Record” then assumption is you have not been sent an acceptance letter (maybe you are going to get in but a letter hasn’t gone out)

If it say something like “The Activation Token does not match the one on file” then that would mean that an activation code has been created for your account - you just haven’t received the letter with the code … thus the assumption you have been accepted and acceptance letter is coming.

Those are the hack assumptions - no confirmation as to if that is right or wrong but most people think it is.

Hack worked for me in CT

In addition to what @cbl1 is saying is that there have been no cases where the “token does not match the one on file” has been placed and denial has been sent. This entails that for the most part, this works. There has been no evidence of an alert with a denial therefore it is held to be valid.

There are two hacks. One about the activation code. The other is the future Tiger Day one:

We are in MA. Both hacks updated this evening and seem to indicate acceptance. The Tiger Day one congratulates my DD by name and correct major but mentions dates in Spring 2019. which is confusing. Does anyone else see this?

We have been diligently looking over the hack. This evening the first hack said activation code does not match the one on file. The Future Tiger days pulled up and gave us an option to schedule a day to see the campus. Good luck all.

Did your hack offer “Spring 2019” visitations?

@Rawlan73 ^

Neither hacks work for me -NJ

@Rawlan73 what state are you in?

Good luck everyone else!

I just tried the future Tiger Days hack and it congratulates my daughter and has the correct major but the Spring 2019 doesn’t make sense and the dates/day of the week don’t make sense…