Admissions has been notified that the dates on the Future Tiger Days are not correct for onboarding login and they said they will look into it. Seems the main website lists correct 2020 dates. I have no updated info on mailings thus far. Congrats to all that received positive hack outcomes. It seems to be a good indicator (and they didn’t “fix the hack”)! I wish I knew more info. to share with all of you. Clemson is #3 choice, but still excited to be going to a high ranked school with instate Palmetto. Had the top choice school denial, so we know it’s tough. Still waiting on one more long shot decision from an Ivy.
Question: Does anyone know if the Future Tiger Day Registration says “a drop-in session with the Calhoun Honors College” indicates that I was accepted into the Honors College, or is that showing up on everyone’s?
The hack worked for my daughter who applied to Education but she’s received nothing in the mail or an email indicating that she’s been accepted. We are out of state.
Hope so! Any other undeclared hear anything yet??
@bws361 no one has. The hack is used as a preliminary notice, hence the name “hack”. Mail will be sent this or next week.
I’ve been trying both hacks and it seems like I was deferred or rejected because it says that I am not showing as eligible for Future Tiger Days at Clemson. I’m oos from virginia and my major was 1. biological sciences and 2. biochemistry. I’m hoping that the hack is wrong or that mine just hasn’t been updated but it’s not looking good at all. Really upset Clemson was one of my top schools
You people really do not understand. The “hacks” update over the course of the week. Please just wait until decisions are seen before preemptive decisions. If the hack works, great that means you are likely in. Otherwise it means it has not been updated yet. If you are still waiting, just wait for the official decision.
How do I do this hack?
The one about Tiger Registration Days^
Hack changed for my daughter today. In-state/undecided major. Worked for her OS (business) friend as well. Will wait for actual mail before adding to the accepted list.
@Dixiebee Would you be willing to share her stats?
But…but…what about VT?
Virginia Tech is still my wallet’s top choice … we will see what my daughter decides (and technically she hasn’t been accepted VT yet as she applied Early Action - so a few more weeks).
My son loves it at VT but that doesn’t mean she will make the same choice.
@drewh02 My daughter is not applying to the Honors program and her Future Tiger Day link mentions the Calhoun Honors College drop in. I’m assuming it’s listed on everyone’s page.
@taamom Good to know. Thank you. Congratulations to your daughter!

@Dixiebee Would you be willing to share her stats?
28 ACT
4.2 WGPA
Acheives higher than test scores might suggest. Not sure if she will attend.
Good luck, trakbeach! Try not to get discouraged if the hack doesnt work. Decisions are on the way soon.
One thing I’ve learned is the admissions process can be a crapshoot. Very qualified kids will get rejected & some head-scratchers will get accepted. The same will likely hold true for Clemson.
Hack changed today for DS. OOS, NJ. Engineering, 3.8UW, 34 ACT. Applied late October. Good luck to all!
@DixieBee Did your daughter put down undeclared major on her application or did she apply to another major and got put into undeclared
@DixieBee Thanks. Very similar scores for my son but you never know what they want. Good luck to yours!
Hack is hit or miss.
Niece accepted last year. Hack never worked for her.
Relax all.