Clemson Class of 2024

@jmsstb and @gobux the link shows my D’s last years dates as well. Maybe there is a link for last year and a different link for this year? Can someone using the Future Tiger Days that showed the correct dates share the link again?

Does anyone know if in the past the links worked, but then denied in the mail?

I think that the problem is that the school left this page as published but took it off navigation and didn’t list it anywhere but if you still have the link from the year before then you can find it. It wasn’t posted anywhere on their site that I am aware of… as noted above the 2020 Future Tiger Day instructions were on their site. But the link shared from last year must still have had some type of open form allowing any admitted student CUID to populate to the page where their name and major is entered by the database. I am honestly surprised that they have not opted to change their entire notification process … so many other schools give your own portal where you can see your status. But the speculation certainly keeps things interesting.

WHY is anyone registering for FTD?

No official acceptance letter yet. Attempting to do this and/or calling the school is ridiculous.

Your lucky they don’t think your nuts and revoke any acceptance. Lol.

Checking a “hack” is one thing, acting on it is silly

My son received his acceptance in November, but he has not received an email about signing up for Future Tiger Days. Website said registration opens 1/17 & emails will be sent to accepted students. Anyone have any insight on this?

Amen @Lacole03 I do not have any idea why people are calling them to discuss the topic. I read earlier someone told admissions about the “hack”. Like, thank you, obviously, they’ll shut it down now.

I think they are still going to use the same site for this years registration. They just had not updated it yet because … no one was supposed to know they could go there.

They shut it down now and I’m sure it will reappear as soon as they mail out the letters (with the updated 2020 info on the webpage).

It had wrong info because they weren’t ready for people to access it yet. I have the feeling it will be down now until next week.

Has anyone heard updates of when letters will be mailed. Excited about the info from the “hack” but I need confirmation of an acceptance before I can get really excited!

They aren’t going to tell anyone more than mailing in next 2 weeks.

Seems they must be printing them now and preparing everything. Wouldn’t be surprising if they mail them this Friday or next Monday.

I wonder if in previous years people have noticed if they mail then in waves by state. Example: If they think New York is going to take about 3 days to deliver they mail them 2 days before they mail South Carolina ones that they think will take 1 day. Therefore, most people get about the same time. Not saying they do but that would make sense.

Thanks for the update! So more waiting - I will stay positive with the news from the hack! Good luck everyone!

Admissions isn’t going to tell anyone anything anymore since people are supposedly calling them telling them about the hack and asking questions about FTD dates when we shouldn’t be registering for something if we haven’t received an official letter in the mail. The hack isn’t official.

@jmsstb the hack seems pretty official to me seeing as the smarter person out of the 4 i know from my school was the one who it worked with.

@sb12345 D20 was also accepted earlier and received an email on the 17th with an email and link to register for the days that applied to her major. We are registered for March 6th (nursing). Would have your son check his spam folder and call if you can’t locate it!

@cinemababe me too!!!

There is actually a functioning site for 2020 that has the correct dates. My son received an email on 1/17 and we were able to register for our on 3/7 (Computer Science). I have never tried the hack or the links on this site, because he received his acceptance so early (and unexpected). I think the hack is creating more anxiety and false information than is necessary. People should wait at their mailbox for their letters.

@sb12345 Have your son check his spam. All accepted students received an with instructions on January 17th.

I definitely think everyone should stop trying to do the hack. I’m sure there is a possibility that it is accurate but there’s no way to tell that. There were successes of it and failures of it last year for admissions. Parents don’t check your child’s and get you or your kids hopes up! My parents don’t have access to any of my admissions portals or IDs at all. If my mom did this and I didn’t get accepted I would be absolutely crushed. Wait for the mail to come! That’s part of the fun in my opinion. Don’t trust anything else! Go Tigers and good luck to everyone! ??

@curioustyler I’m sure it’s probably correct but someone who’s daughter was admitted last year said the hacks never worked for her…so everyone who’s getting a different message or it’s not working is getting worried because they assume it’s a rejection or deferral which may not be the case at all. Clemson notifies everyone the old fashion way…snail mail. Until everyone gets the official big packet in the mail nothing is official.
So people really need to stop bothering admissions with questions related to these hacks and signing up for tours when non officially admitted students do not have access yet to sign up.

Well, if anyones hack updates make sure to post it. Seems that things have slowed down a lot.

I have a Clemson graduate and a Clemson senior currently. When they applied we just got our answer in the mail and never questioned anything, googled anything or hacked anything. I think I liked that a lot better!!! hahaha. Good luck everyone. Both of my older kids got their envelopes on February 14 in NY so that’s what I am aiming for. Sadly though not expecting good news this time!!