Clemson Class of 2024

Congratulations @tnscgal !! I remember on our Clemson tour they spoke about the packaging science program and the 100% job placement. Amazing program and amazing stats your daughter has!

Do any of the mid-February acceptances offer merit awards? or is that the non-merit timing?

My son got his in January and did get merit.

Thank you, @mweb136! There are some fabulous students represented in this thread for sure. Waiting is so hard, and there is much of that still to come for everyone.

@tnscgal i recall from our tour that Clemson packaging students created the Oreo cookie package wrapper! I always thought that was so neat!

So cool, @katcap! My roommate was in the PS program at Clemson, so itā€™s been on my radar since the early 90s. DDā€™s also interested in Materials Science & Engineering, & I donā€™t know where she will ultimately enroll. Canā€™t it be my choice?!?! #iknowtheanswer

Accepted in-state with scholarship for Computer Science!

@mweb136 and all waiting: thinking about you all, keeping my?

Thank you @Tigerwife92 !

Good luck to all of your kids applying! My DS20 is trying to finish up his application but is stuck on the personal statement. We are out of state and not many of his friends are applying so he hasnā€™t learned much from them on what to include. Any tips on what to include in the personal statement?

@SCgirl1 both of my children have applied (son currently attends) and they both just put what they love about clemson, why they want to attend, there and what makes then a good applicant. short and sweet is the route mine took. Good luck to your son!

Yes my DD took a similar approachā€¦ its important to tell Clemson something about yourself because itā€™s a rare opportunity to do so outside of the rest of the application but also to impart a passion and awareness of Clemson and why its uniquely suited for your educational pursuits.

Thank you so much for the helpful replies! Iā€™m grateful for this thread and will be checking it a lot over the next few months. Best of luck to your kids too :slight_smile:

My daughter just received her letter today and so did her friendā€¦ letters dated November 7 so there must have been a second round for November!

Congrats to your daughter @Kiminsc36 Are you guys in SC or out of state ? Great news - thanks for letting us know!!

@Drich21 we are in state and so is her friendā€¦ my daughter is construction management and ACT 33. Friend was engineering and ACT 36.

My son applied to the business school in August. He has not heard anything, except today he got an invitation to apply for the Lyceum scholars program. Does that mean heā€™s accepted? Or does everyone who applied get invited?

@mbjpp1 my daughter has been getting those non-stop. I am not sure if they mean anything. I remember two years ago when my son who attends Clemson now was getting them and I kept thinking how cruel if he is not accepted, but he was so I cannot say if only accepted applicants get them or not. My daughter is impatiently awaiting, but I am convinced she will not hear until February either way.

@mweb136, in reading the email again, I think you are correct and donā€™t think it has anything to do with acceptance. Thanks!

when is the earliest decision date?