Clemson College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

<p>I am applying to Clemson for admission into the Animal Science/Equine Business Managment program for 2009. I have a 3.65 weighted GPA, Top 20%
SATs - 620 critical reading
590 math
660 writing</p>

<p>I have had a full Honors schedule all four years with 2 AP's in History and Biology I have lots of extra's in 4H, Horse Owner, Riding Instructor, CCD Teacher,4Her of the year twice, placed sixth in nation at 4H Horse Roundup. chosen to attend National 4H Congress in Atlanta. :Lots of volunteerism, part of an equine performance drill team</p>

<p>Does anyone think I have a chance of acceptance?Thanks</p>

<p>I would say that your chances of being accepted into Clemson are very good. However, I'm not sure if the Equine program looks for factors that the other colleges don't.</p>

<p>Yea, I’m in!!! Original post was mis-titled. College Animal and Veterinary Sciences is the correct title. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences is the program at Virginia Tech, my 2nd choice. Waiting to hear from them.</p>

<p>Congrats. I got into that college aswell. I’m planning on doing Packaging Science though.</p>

<p>Thanks, same to you!</p>