Clemson or VT

<p>Hey just looking for some input. I was accepted to both schools, majoring in accounting.
any input would be appreciated. thanks. also, which business school is more respected?</p>

<p>My son was accepted to Penn State’s business school (main campus), Clemson gave him his second choice major (Communications) and said he could switch to business after a semester (and we thought PSU would be harder to get into!), still waiting to hear from VT (an in state option for us!). If he gets into VT, it is going to be a very difficult choice. My vote would be for any in state option, but my son is leaning heavily towards Clemson for reasons having nothing to do with academics – great baseball and warm weather.</p>

<p>Interested to hear the responses to your post.</p>

<p>My D got into the same schools for business last year: Penn State, VT and Clemson. So it just came down to the one she liked the best. She wanted a large football-loving university which they all are. She ended up falling in love with the size of Clemson, the campus, the enthusiastic student body and the warm weather. (She says its been 65 degrees and gorgeous the last few days.) So she is a very happy freshman there. But I think those schools are so similar, if cost is similar, you just have to pick the one where you feel the most comfortable. They are all great quality-of-life, good-education schools.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. My son will probably be joining your daughter next year!!</p>

<p>My son got his acceptance to VT yesterday, so now it is officially between VT, Penn State, and Clemson…he still wants to go to Clemson. I wish he would choice an in-state (VA) school. My only hope now is that he gets into UVA – a real stretch school for him.</p>

<p>meant to say “choose” not “choice”…</p>

<p>BMDMOM, Congrats to your son, he has some great schools to choose from! I have to say after this year’s winter and all of the snow that we received here in Va, Clemson, South Carolina and its warmer temperatures would be pretty tempting! Best wishes to him!</p>