VT Pamplin or FSU

<p>My youngster has narrowed his choices down to VT Pamplin or FSU. I think he is leaning to FSU for the following: Weather, Weather, Weather. Also opportunities for jobs in Florida after graduation. He knows that VT has the better business program and that he is already accepted. He knows that VT is ranked higher both as a university and as a business school. He knows that he gets housing at VT but is wait listed at FSU. On campus visits he liked both, but preferred the weather and atmosphere at FSU. In short, his head is telling him VT, but his emotions are telling him FSU. I will support either decision, but I know that he will get a better education and have a better all around college experience at VT. Any killer arguments I can give him from others would be most appreciated.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, it sounds like he knows the reason he should choose VT over FSU. I do understand the weather comment though. Blacksburg weather is brutal from mid-October to early March. I do hope he picks VT though, it is an awesome school.</p>