Closet Organization

Would anyone like to take an educated guess as to the dimensions of the “cubbies” in this closet? I would love to get bins/baskets to fit:

I did email the Housing department and they weren’t able to help me. They just advised that I measure and go to Target on Move-in day which I really want to avoid.

Anyway, I’m guessing depth is 24 inches (typical closet depth) but I’m not sure about the width. The room size is 12′ x 16’4″.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

You may get better responses posting in your college’s specific forum. The closets at my daughter’s school differ hall to hall and vary greatly. I can appreciate wanting to plan ahead though!

I’d suggest you get to school and see how many cubbies you actually want a basket for once you are unpacked – you very well may end up stacking sweaters etc. in some, using some as a bookshelf, putting bulky things like detergent etc. in one (I don’t see any other shelves) etc. and then you can measure and order what you want from amazon.

You may want to try asking on the reddit forum for UW Madison. Lots of students are on that board.
If that doesn’t work, I agree with waiting until you get there and then ordering what you’d like online.

Thanks so much for all the suggestions. I think my initial fixation with the cubbies has passed and we can figure it out when my son moves in. That may be just a mom thing, I see a cubby and I want to put a basket in it - the Pottery Barn influence, I guess :).

Baskets and bins will decrease the storage space available- the whole idea of cubbies is to not need those. Agree with the wait and see approach.