CLS Scholarship application


I will start my first year of university next week, and I’m very interested in the CLS scholarship. I would like to apply this fall for summer 2016, or if not, during my sophomore year. A previous applicant said that you need to explain your reason why you want to learn the language of your host country, and how you would apply that to your major. I’m going back and forth between Education and CS, but right now, I’m undecided. Has anyone applied with an undecided major and have been accepted? Also, does anybody know the application process? Thank You.

I have explored the website because my D is applying for one this year. They have a lot of great information on their website including a place to find both the name of the CLS advisor at your school and names of students at your school who received CLS awards in recent years. Those individuals should be able to give you a lot of guidance. Good luck!