Clubs and Organization? any good ones?

<p>Ok so im looking into what clubs I might join if i go to Miami.
so far I found several interesting ones:</p>

<li><p>Golf: very few schools have it as a club, and at miami they even organize tourneys within the club. I will definately join that one.</p></li>
<li><p>Sailing Canes: love the idea of learning how to sail. Any opinions on this club? is it any fun?</p></li>
<li><p>Suba: I dunno sounds kool as well. im a beach person.after living in the Dominican Republic a few years, the ocean has become my lover :D!</p></li>

<p>Any opinions on those and or reccommendations of others?</p>

<p>bump.. bump :D</p>

<p>My opinion is that depending on your major you probably won't have much time for that many clubs.</p>

<p>btw what is your major? because if you are at all interested in graduate school, you should be looking at clubs that compliment your major and that helps you gain experience/exposure to that field</p>

<p>Accounting and yes im looking at graduate school.
I wont be doing all. just probably doing 2 of those. i know sailing is on sundays so i might be able to fit it in? mayby lol :P</p>

<p>its pretty easy to learn to balance activities and just takes a little practice...first semester the first few weeks were a challenge but now its a breeze</p>

<p>Is accounting in the business school? or is that a math major?</p>


<p>yeah, just keep in mind that you'll probably be super busy! on campus too, Sundays are usually the study/laundry days for everyone and all the "social" activities happens on Fridays and Saturdays</p>

<p>oh wait, I looked lol it is in the school of business... so I take it back, you'll have plenty of time for clubs (the people who have the most "free" time on campus are the people in the business school)</p>

<p>LOL really? why is that?</p>

<p>The business school just isn't seen as very challenging. My friends that are business majors almost NEVER have to study for exams and if they do, they only start studying the night before. Maybe my friends are all just super intelligent but I highly doubt that's the case. Compartively speaking, science majors study on average at least 4hrs per day per science class for 2wks before an exam....</p>

<p>ladyconfused - how hard is a communications major? i'm applying to UM next year, and I want to major in Media Management.</p>

<p>Ladyconfused u should open up a current student answering questions thread lol.
I got another question? How hot does it get in Miami. in terms of heat. Especially around campus. Im from Tampa and its not really extremely hot and full of heat. I hear though Miami is supposed to have lots of heat. is this the case or there is a lot of breeze?</p>

<p>Also are there lots of trees on campus? or is it mostly open spaces and palm trees. i love trees lol :D</p>

<p>The communications major is fairly hard, definitely not the easiest one on campus lol....... they have their work cut out for them!</p>

<p>I'm from Clearwater (right by Tampa)... and it's much hotter here during the fall... I'd dare say it's pretty much hellish from August to October but that's only two months so it's not too bad. During those two months though, you are pretty much dripping in sweat by the time you get to class because the humidity just clings to you. Oh, and even if you go to the beach wearing SPF during those months, you'll burn like you never have before. After October and all through the winter, the weather is fairly moderate (like jeans and a t-shirt) with a 3day stretch here and there of "freezing" weather where it drops to the 50s... (and the "towers" don't have heat, but they do have ac) so it can get really chilly. </p>

<p>Oh there are a good amount of trees but the majority of them are palm trees.... the campus is really beautiful, people aren't exagerating when they say it looks like a resort (it really does)... There's a lot of open stretches of grass and all the greenery is REALLY well maintained.... by Eaton/the apartments/mahoney,pearson there are more "real" trees than the rest of campus...</p>