CMU cuts?

<p>does anyone know if they still cut people sophomore year?</p>

<p>Based on what they said at auditions 2007/2008, CMU does not make cuts.</p>

<p>This school has not utilized a cut system for a long time.</p>

<p>Thank you, that is so helpful!</p>

<p>Cuts do not occur but people who are not making sufficient progress in core classes can be asked to take a year off. This typically is announced at the end of semester during one-on-one conferences held with each MT and Acting student. A student encouraged to take the year off to work on problems (seriousness of purpose, focus, etc) can appeal and may be allowed to continue but, if he or she receives similar feedback following an appeal, there is no further recourse; that student must leave the program and apparently without option to return. (Haven’t seen that happen but believe it’s likely to be the case.) The faculty apparently believe taking the time away to “regroup” is the best way to address deficiencies.</p>