Co-op concerns [CS major / international]

@mundanewarrior , ok, you’ve talked me into it. It sounds to me like you’ve got a very strong programming background. Given that, I am sure you’d be a good candidate for using your AP credit for 100. :slight_smile: So, if you want to do it, go for it, especially given your focus and determination. :slight_smile:

Also, keep in mind that you can take 200 and 201 in the same term if you need to do that . . . You may well be able to do that, too, and you can assess that after taking 101. When my daughter mentioned that possibility first year, I was like, ARE YOU INSANE, because I’d seen how huge the 100 & 101 workloads were . . . but it turns out that 200 is much more manageable, so even though 201 is a killer, doing both the same term isn’t as insane as I’d thought at first, lol.

CS121 is a one credit – and almost no work – intro class. I wouldn’t consider that a real class.

(Same with Math 302 – one credit – and very little work.)

Also, just to be sure you understand, EN103 is a 3 credit course, but simply gives you “placement credit” for EN101. So, you’ll complete your freshman English requirement (both semesters) with that one course, but it’s only 3 credits. I don’t have experience with it, as my kids have both AP’ed out of the English requirement, but I’m pretty sure that’s how 103 works.

Once you have a mybama account, you can look at all the term’s course listing within mybama. Go to the “Academics” tab. Select “Class Schedule” . . . Use the pull down menu to select a recent semester, and then search courses by department for the courses you are concerned about for F/S availability. I.e., select CS and look at all the courses offered last fall or last spring. . . etc. I don’t know how to access that info w/o a mybama account.

So, given all that, I’d say your flowchart looks pretty OK. I’d switch the stats for 301, though, first semester, just because 301 should be pretty easy and the stats has a sketchy reputation, and I’d go for predictably easy 1st semester vs. might be a GPA killer, lol. Besides, you gotta get the 301/302 sequence complete before you can move on to upper division courses, whereas the stats can wait.

Good luck. I think you’re gonna’ kick butt!

@mmom99 @aeromom,
Thanks a lot. I think I’ve got it figured out now.

I’ve updated my flowchart (tentative):

I'll decide later whether to take 200 and 201 concordantly. The first semester looks relatively easy, and all other semesters have at least one elective to balance out the load. :)

This kinda rhymes. I think I’m gonna steal it. :smiley:

‘Failing to plan is planning to fail.’ I like a student with a plan. :D/

Looks good!!