Co-op information Hoyt vs Sherman?

<p>I'm currently living in Stern right now, and it's pretty cool, but I want to move into the co-ops next year.
I've already applied for housing and list hoyt as my first and sherman as my second choice.
I just wanted to know what the differences are between these two houses on the basis of cleanliness and social atmosphere. Also, I'd like to know if one co-op is probably more hostile than the other. Stern, although quiet, does not strike me as hostile as it does to most, but I've heard a few things about Hoyt concerning how there is usually drama in the hall. It probably has more to do with the people living there but I don't know. Fill me in.</p>

<p>I’ve lived in Stern and Hoyt, and have visited Sherman a few times.</p>

<p>Hoyt and Sherman are both considered some of the cleaner co-ops. Gotta say that means not very clean at all by most standards. It depends on the people living there each semester, and especially how strict the student managers are.</p>

<p>The social atmosphere, of course, also depends on the group of people living there with you. I believe Sherman has a lot more common areas than Hoyt, so there’s a plus. Also, Hoyt has a lot more single bedrooms than Sherman, which tends to encourage more anti-social/studious residents in Hoyt. On the other hand, Sherman is slightly smaller (40 residents vs 60, I think – check the website) so Hoyt might be louder at times, especially if you live directly above the dining room like I did.</p>

<p>Sometimes smaller houses have more drama and conflict than bigger ones. I remember Kidd (the smallest house) had some big drama a few years ago, which resulted in residents dividing amongst themselves and refusing to speak to each other at meetings.</p>

<p>If I had to choose between the two, I would be more inclined to choose Sherman just because it’s a bit smaller. If I were you, I’d go eat dinner with both of the houses and ask current residents for their opinion. It’s free, just email the house managers or walk in around 6pm and ask around.</p>