"Coasties" vs locals at UW

<p>Yes Wisconsin is a bit of a freak show and that's what makes it interesting. The Onion and Mystery Science Theater both started at UW. The student radical movement also had deep roots in Madison back in the day. Karlton was a local kid who became part of that. UW also sends more people to the Peace Corps than any other school and more to Teach for America. There are both extremes and many in the middle at UW and that's what keeps it exciting and interesting.</p>

<p>What does everyone think of Langdon? I heard there were a lot of upperclassmen but less cattyness..is it good for a frosh in UW'10?</p>

<p>The coasties have once again become a topic of conversation since milwaukee’s journal sentinel demanded the coastie [youtube</a> video](<a href=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw9ODIZj40w&feature=player_embedded]youtube”>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw9ODIZj40w&feature=player_embedded) be taken down due to copyright infringement. The video was fixed put back up, and the journal sentinel wrote another article on it - so we took it even further and wrote an article on [How</a> to Dress Like a Coastie](<a href=“http://dealzon.com/articles/how-to-dress-like-a-coastie]How”>http://dealzon.com/articles/how-to-dress-like-a-coastie).</p>

<p>Can’t believe the Journal was that stupid about using some pictures. Can’t believe how many took time to write a comment. You would think this was global warming or something. But I still like the song as a non Jewish Coastie who was a member of a mostly Jewish frat. Guess our shared coastiness overrode religion.</p>

<p>It’s all about antisemitism</p>

<p>Wow this thread is still alive? Last time I saw this I was a freshman, and Im a 5th year now. Yeah 5 years of coasties i’ve had about enough.</p>

<p>It’s not about antisemitism, its about people from new york and such being a bunch of b<em>itches and p</em>ricks. It’s okay to make fun of them, they deserve it.</p>

<p>Sounds like your five years at UW won’t be enough to educate you, post #46. The exposure to new ideas and people hasn’t gotten into your thick head. Many of us widened our worlds and met those in the majority from either coast who are wonderful people. Perhaps a small minority from either area reinforce each other’s negative perceptions.</p>

<p>I always felt that Wisconsin was more Joe McCarthy than Bob LaFollette. The whole coastie thing bears that out.</p>

<p>I see it as more class warfare than anything else. If UW attracted more of the WASP uppercrust from the East Coast they would be saying the same things except the clothes to hate would be different. The dislike is based on money and lifestyle. Not religion.</p>

<p>I have never heard of regional tribalism at any other school. Sounds like a good reason for OOS people to just avoid the place.</p>

<p>You have not been around much then. Same general thing at any school with a large instate and large OOS population. At oregon it’s the Californians. At UW, UM, and Indiana it’s the easterners.</p>

<p>Nothing compared to the WSU/UW rivalry-can get nasty. </p>

<p>And don’t forget about Bill Proxmire, Milwaukee’s past socialist mayors, early anti discrimination leg, and yes McCarthy and others. For a small and modest state it sure punches above its weight in political history - kind of like it’s great state university!</p>

<p>Are you referring to the old Wis State U versus UW systems that merged when I was at UW? Of course UW, meaning the Madison campus, is head and shoulders above the rest… We were so disappointed that those lesser schools would have “UW” on their diplomas. OOS students obviously like UW- a few don’t immerse themselves in the general culture (which is diverse) but most do- including rich students.</p>

<p>No–means Washington v Wazzu.</p>

<p>Wait, what? where did Washigton or Washington State or Sports Rivalries come up?</p>