Cognitive Science minor

<p>Anyone doing it? Anyone heard of anyone doing it?? The major/minor seems to be very unpopular, or maybe just so at CC? I searched up previous cogsci threads and no one responded.</p>

<p>I'm just looking for some general feedback on people's experience with it. It looks interesting and I thought it'd make a fun and promising minor.</p>

<p>i’m doing the minor, just decided last quarter. i’m already a psych major and was looking for a way to take more psych upperdivs. i’m also double-minoring in education.</p>

<p>so far the only class i’ve taken for the minor is PIC 10A (which i’m in right now). it’s going to be a bit of a challenge, but it’s the most technical class required for the minor. i’ve also taken psych 100b, which counts for the minor. not a class i’d choose to take for the minor alone, however, so pick one of the other options.</p>

<p>my friend (not on CC) is a newly-declared cog sci major. but we’re both only in our first quarter of cog sci, so we’ll see how it goes!</p>

<p>Thanks liyana for the feedback! I actually just went in today on an impulsive decision and declared the minor. I’ve already taken PIC10A and LING 1. So now I guess I just need to take Psych 85, which I’m thinking now to do during session A. Good luck w/ PIC! It was difficult but also fun at the same time.</p>

<p>I’m doing the minor also. I was originally going to double psych and econ, but since I’m running out of time, I decided to do econ major and cog sci minor, just to be able to take psych classes. However, I just started out as well, and have only taken PIC10a.</p>

<p>I was going to take Psych85 this quarter but it filled up way too quickly.</p>

<p>pxalpine: how was ling 1? who did you have it with?
liyana: you should take pic10a with wittman instead of sheehan</p>


<p>Ling 1 was a breeze for me because I’m actually a Linguistics major. But it shouldn’t be too hard, it’s supposedly one of the easiest courses at UCLA. Just don’t underestimate it and still go to class and listen. I took it with Lee last year.</p>

<p>i don’t have sheehan, i have burna… something. indian guy. funny accent and entertaining, yet not the clearest of lecturers.</p>

<p>i too wanted to take psych 85 this quarter and thought i could since i’m a psych major, but no, it’s limited to cog sci. so… summer sessions for me :)</p>