Colgate U. Class of 2027 Official Thread

Mine lives in a tiny town now so she doesn’t mind that. Biggest things are not sure the caliber of dance will make her happy, and she wants to major in math but really loves statistics and there isn’t a stats major.

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I don’t think we can make it on the 21st, but we might. If so that would be great!


This would seem to depend on your daughter’s intended major and on her other choices. The characteristics you mentioned seem to match colleges such as Kenyon, Connecticut College and Sarah Lawrence, for example.

Can you tell us about the class size for the freshman bio 1 and 2, chem 1 and 2 and calculus? Are they also small or are they the large lecture hall size of even the ivy colleges with 500 plus students?

Thanks for your message! She will likely major in Political Science and/or Sociology and/or French. She is deciding between Bates, Colgate, Bryn Mawr, and Vassar. As I stated early, the remoteness and Greek system are her main concerns with Colgate.

Based on your indicated criteria, I’d think your daughter would be leaning toward Vassar? In any case, I believe your suggestion to her to maintain an open mind at this stage is a good one.

Bates and Vassar at top of list for now…

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Chem 1 was small as was Calc (like 17-22 per class) , for Biology my daughter is in the large lecture hall , 95 students .Seperate Labs for both Chem and Bio and she loves those .

Thanks so much. Smaller than I expected even for bio. Some other top bio schools have over 400 in a lecture hall including ivy schools.


Hi there. I’m interesting in finding out more about the social vibe at Colgate. I couldn’t figure out how to message you directly? My daughter was accepted and I have some concerns as to whether it’s the best fit for her. She loved the campus and people were very friendly, etc. She is shy, I don’t see her as a frat/sorority type kid, politically liberal etc. She’s not a big partier and can also be really hard on herself overachiever, etc. She’s not a sports kid though may connect with riding club. I’m worried about her fitting in as well as it being super rigorous and her being under undue academic pressure. She is not pre med/law or, business major. I would really appreciate yours or others thoughts about the social scene and what type of kid may not be happy at Colgate. Is there much of an LGBTQ community at Colgate? thank you!


My daughter said some students and parents are on a visit today and were asking about STEM classes , anyone from here ?

My daughter is in Pep Band and they did a Pride Walk with LGBTQ and my daughter was interviewed for the Maroon News about her support for them as a straight female . So yes the Gate is all inclusive ! It is rigorous and my daughter is really hard on herself and wants all A’s but other classes where its a lot of writing like History and mixing in a fun class like Music or womans studies to all the stem classes she has helps the GPA and to ease the pressure . Curves are not as generous as Johns Hopkins or Georgetown because the Gate is more of an IVY then some of the Ivies academically .

My daughter is there tomorrow for a tour


Good luck , make sure u visit the bookstore and that whole block and even 30 minutes out to see some malls , shopping and restaurants .


I have the same questions about Colgate. My son isn’t a big partier and although he’s really social, he has worked hard at it because he has social anxiety. I am also wondering about the LGBTQ community and how supportive it is. I appreciate the poster’s comment about her ally daughter, but would really like to hear from a parent of an LGBTQ student at Colgate now to hear how it is.

'His" Ally daughter lol and she was in the Maroon News interviewed about the parade . Hopefully a LBGTQ parent replies . I can tell u Pep Band has many LBGTQ members and u dont have to be an accomplished musician like my daughter is to be a part of the Pep band .

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Question to the current Colgate Parents. Looks like this year’s move in day is Sunday 8/20. We plan to arrive at Hamilton on Saturday. Feel like most events for parents are on Sunday. Is there anything scheduled on Monday? Try to figure out when to fly out from Syracuse. Thank you!

As a general comment, scheduled events for parents on the Monday after move-in weekend typically are not to be expected at any college.


I just looked up last year and Sunday 330-335 was parents goodbye time and then you were expected to leave because the student only orientation started right after.


Yes. Once you drop off student and get them to their dorm, parents are out of there. Go home. Anything you need to do before is fine but after 8/20 Go home .