College Acceptances: celebrate here!

<p>Thumper, sent, and quiltguru--big congrats to you and your kids!!!!</p>

<p>Thumper -
had to look at the Santa Clara website again to refresh myself on it - looks wonderful - I especially like this: "Santa Clara actively urges students to consider "what should be". And I do believe they mean it!</p>


<p>Penn ED
Santa Clara

<p>Makes me want to be a high school senior again, just for the choices and dreams that go along with them!!!!</p>

<p>Even though our kiddos can only pick one eventually it is wonderful to imagine yourself at each and everyone. Unbelievable opportunities and all with such hope and anticipation. </p>

<p>I just love the what ifs.</p>

<p>CONGRATS to all the newly posted acceptances!!</p>


<p>There has been SOOOO much wonderful news on this thread for all your sons and daughters. I would be here forever naming each and one of your individually and I do not want to miss anyone. There are many familiar "faces" from over the years and so it is particularly thrilling to read of the happy results for your deserving kids. What a relief! Some of your kids are DONE and some have good propects really early in the process, which is a great way to start the admissions season. I recall my kids waiting many more months than this, so it sure must feel great to know already and in many cases, to get their first choices, no less. They sound like incredible people and their futures very bright. I hope family and friends enjoy reveling in their achievements and the excitement of looking ahead to next year. Some of you guys I have "known" on here for a long time and wow wow wow on your know who you are, sorry not to name you individually...and to the newbies....glad you came on and joined in with your happy news. Your kids done good. Congratulations to all!</p>


<p>HALLELUJAH!!! My D just got accepted to Princeton ED!!! She worked so hard for it, got burnt out in the process, so this is a real life giver!</p>

<p>Oh my gosh! There is more good news here than one can imagine! Way to go AAAAAALLLLLLL! Fabulous stuff!</p>

<p>Indeed, some wonderful news from so many sources.</p>

<p>And to think, this is only the EA/ED round!!</p>

<p>Congrats on all of the truly amazing acceptances that have come through.</p>

<p>wow !!! many dreams in making......congratulations to all.</p>

<p>Great work- all of you. Thumper-awesome about Santa Clara. I think that sounds so neat- S was just invited for an official recruiting visit, but now we have to say goodbye to it.<br>
What an amazing list of acceptances we have here.</p>

<p>Hi all</p>

<p>WOW! I've followed all of your posts off and on for two years and feel that I know many of you. So happy for all the acceptances!</p>

<p>I share in your joy,


<p>Congrats on your D's Whitman acceptance</p>

<p>Congratulations to the latest acceptees - children of Concerneddad, catherine, mumsie, daffymom, thumper, sent, rbase, quiltguru, UCMomma! These are definitely exciting times - thank you for sharing the joy.</p>

<p>I'm so excited for all the wonderul kids of all the wonderful parents here! We all have great reason to celebrate! :)</p>


<p>Did I miss your great news? Congrats to your D! and good luck to her and to your S!</p>

<p>Boston College and Notre Dame, both EA</p>

<p>We're still waiting for mail to find it's way to us--- Congratulations to all your EA/ED kids who have done so well!</p>

<p>D accepted to Fordham w/full tuition for 4 years. Early Christmas present</p>

<p>Wow!!!! Congratulations to your D NY88! And nice to hear Santa came early!</p>

<p>D accepted NYU-Tisch! We're very excited. Has been a nerve racking week waiting for the "letter". She hadn't even started to apply anywhere else so now she gets to relax and enjoy her senior year. This is a dream come true.</p>

<p>Congrats to everyone!</p>