College Acceptances: celebrate here!

<p>anyone hear from case western yet?</p>

<p>Congratulations, NY88 and Snomacher, and welcome to the boards!</p>

<p>Mumsie - I believe some students have been able to log onto Case Western and find out their status - check the Case Western forum.</p>

<p>fireflyscout, thanks for the tip! ;)</p>


<p>To <em>all</em> parents & kids out there, who've had these wonderful acceptances come rolling in - congratulations and high fives!</p>

<p>Curmudgeon - delighted to see Mudgarella was accepted! Can't wait to find out where she attends.</p>

<p>D in at Williams!! I'm more of a lurker than poster here, but have so enjoyed all these college-quest stories. Large and heartfelt congrats to all who have bagged their holy grail!!</p>

<p>congrats to all the latest posters on this thread!!</p>

<p>Snomacher...I have a daughter at Tisch in CAP21 (musical theater studio). Which dept. at Tisch is your D in ? Congrats to her on her dream come true!</p>

<p>Great news everyone...


<p>Sounds like your D is going to have some tough decisions to make. Perhaps a month at each school? ;)</p>

<p>Not an admission, but hopefully a good sign: D. asked me to order her a Beloit College sweatshirt for Christmas, has filled out the Beloit housing application, put the Beloit decal on her car, and has decided not to apply to any other schools beyond those she's already sent applications to (many of you will remember she was thinking of sending out a few last minute applications). Because she's changed her mind before, I'm holding my breath, but I think there's a very good chance I may be a Beloit mom next year. :)</p>

<p>Oh curmudgeon, that's wonderful! I went to med school at Case Western Reserve and just loved it and Cleveland. What a great town!</p>

<p>And, Carolyn, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. I know you think Beloit would be a perfect fit for your D. Sounds like she's figuring this out, too. Not a surprise, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!</p>

<p>Carolyn, I'm smiling...first for all the good stuff that has evolved for your daughter and another smile for you to being there for the ups and downs and changes. But it does sound like that ride might be ending and if she is getting the sweatshirt and decal, then she got to the end of the ride! (Of course it is the beginning of a new ride!) So, she has had you hopping before, then recently she did again, but I think it sounds like she's on firm ground. Congrats are in order!!! Enjoy!</p>

<p>NY88, Snomacher, and Basil congratulations on the wonderful admissions and welcome to the boards.</p>

<p>Curmie baby, Congrats on mudgette's admission to Case. I guess drinks are on you again:)</p>

<p>Carolyn,are you also getting a Beloit sweatshirt for yourself? It sounds wonderful. Look, all of this and you did not have to eat any more cheerios :D</p>

Wow, sounds like she knows what she is doing. Congratulations.

<p>My son heard from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute that he was accepted!</p>


<p>possibly, from the farm/ranch to the Big City Lights. </p>

<p>Carolyn: it's a done deal. (btw: my frosh D looked up Beloit online yesterday.)</p>

<p>Congrats to you both and other proud mamas and papas.</p>

<p>Carolyn and Curmudgeon,</p>

<p>Congratulations. From the Class of '09 breathing a sigh of relief and passing the baton.</p>

<p>This is such a nice thread to read.
Carolyn, Beloit owes you for all the inadvertent advertising you have done for them. You are a MOST respected poster, so knowledgeable, and you have shared such wonderful news about B.</p>

<p>I remember how easy it was to talk to admissions at my S's future college, how helpful they were throughout pre-enrollment, and they have remained that way ever since. I'm sure you and D will find the same.</p>


<p>I'm glad your D has found her place at Beloit, though I was kind of hoping we'd meet at Goucher!</p>

<p>Not having a child applying this year I haven't been checking the acceptance posts. I'm sitting here with tears reading about all of the wonderful choices your children will have to make. And congrats to those who have made the decision. Please stick around to help all of us next year!</p>

<p>Carolyn, I checked with my daughter (the authority), and she feels pretty strongly that putting a decal on a car represents commitment. But if your daughter asks for a scraper and nailpolish remover ...</p>