<p>You can also use our method--apply petroleum jelly to the sticky side of the decal and apply to the window. It'll make it very easy to take off, either in case she changes her mind or you sell your car!</p>
<p>I haven't posted that much, but this board has been invaluable to us. My daughter just got accepted ED at Princeton and we are thrilled and delighted.</p>
<p>Thanks so much to all of you.</p>
<p>Midatlmom, Congratulations to your daughter!!!</p>
<p>Doesn't look like we'll need the petroleum jelly or the nail polish remover. D. told her grandparents tonight that she's definitely going to Beloit. She has been singing ever since - always a good sign.</p>
<p>Carolyn, Hallelujah for your D! If she needs a parka, let me know ;)</p>
<p>Quilt, Not just a parka, but boots, a hat and gloves as well. :) Guess we'll keep the LL Bean company in business in the coming year.</p>
<p>Carolyn, did your daughter ever apply to the reaches? </p>
<p>It looks like that's it. Congratualtions and I hope your daughter is feeling better.</p>
<p>Congrats on your sons admission to U of Chicago, Yeah!!!</p>
<p>Wild Child just got his Chicago acceptance. He was sure he would be deferred. It is moot due to the Penn ED, but it is still a nice surprise. His essay (on Tucker Max) was very risky.</p>
<p>NY88 (sorry, this goes back 2 pages!), You must feel like you just won $100,000 in the lottery. No, make that $150,000 which is what you would need to win to have 4yrs of tuition after taxes... No, better make that $200,000 which is what you would likely need to win to cover 4 years of tuition plus increases after taxes. Anyway, congrats! (Had an NYU parent crying on my shoulder Saturday night about tuition checks!)</p>
<p>The list of acceptances is mind boggling! So many to congratulate. A special tip of the hat to Vinco, Wyogal, and Momofwildchild who've shared in the vigil on the U Chicago forum.</p>
<p>MOWC, Vinco, Wyogal and Cami215-</p>
<p>congrats on the EA at Chicago, DS also was accepted today. Didn't know if he would get in since he is kinda-jocky math-science but he does love his history, econ and math! Again congrats on all the other acceptances and especially to</p>
<p>Carolyn on her daughter's decision to head off to Beloit!!! I am envious of the planning y'all get to do, and the shopping.......</p>
<p>Parkas and boots and flannel sheets and down comforters and EGG CRATES....... (the only part I like about the kiddos leaving home!)</p>
<p>I know mine will drag his feet til May 1!!! He feels it is his duty to make me insane until then with his "wait and see, weigh the options and make a logically decision", so UNLIKE me!!!!!!</p>
<p>wow, just catching up with all the news here. Congratulations to each and every one of you and to your S's and D's. How exciting!</p>
<p>i'm going to the university of chicago!</p>
MOWC, Vinco, Wyogal and Cami215-</p>
<p>congrats on the EA at Chicago, DS also was accepted today
<p>First, my best wishes to you and your son! Chicago is a wonderful school. </p>
<p>Unfortunately, our name shouldn't be on that happy list quite yet. Whether son is accepted, rejected or deferred is still a mystery, since the postman stubbornly refuses to visit our house with the packet in question. Whatever the decision is, it will hopefully surface before the holiday weekend.</p>
<p>Cami, we're all keeping our fingers crossed that the post office gets its act together today. This waiting is so annoying!</p>
<p>Thanks to all for the congratulations, and same to Brooke, Vinco & Kat!</p>
<p>congrats, wyogal and condor on the Chicago admissions! My son is a first-year and loving it!</p>
<p>Cami - hope the package is on its way right now!!!!</p>
<p>carolyn </p>
<p>The key to surviving Wisconsin winters is layering. Older classroom buildings may still have steam heat so the profs will "crack" the windows in the winter meaning those sitting near the windows freeze while the others try not to bake.</p>
<p>Having some good capilene under tops and bottoms will do the trick along with flannel shirts and wool sweaters or fleece. Turtle necks are a great addition and a nice way to layer under a sweater as well. That way she can peel off whatever she needs to to be comfortable indoors and still deal with the cold outdoors.</p>
<p>Several outdoor clothing lines make great "3 in one" jackets that have a zip out fleece lining that you can wear alone, wear just the shell or wear together for maximum warmth. North Face makes the "Denali" fleece and several shells to go with it. It is heavyweight Polartec fleece and has become the most popular jacket for both college (and HS) men and women worn just as a fleece and with the shell it can withstand just about anything mother nature will throw at it. My kids live in theirs (without a shell) almost all winter. You can find it at a nice savings ($50 off) online at places like Sierra Trading .</p>
<p>Having several different weight fleece tops in her wardrobe is also a good bet. Patagonia and North Face make excellent zip up lightweight fleece tops that can be worn under a heavier fleece and/or jacket and makes the layering and subsequent unpeeling quite easy. They are thin and not bulky so she won't be walking around looking like the Michelin man. </p>
<p>REI has great capilene underwear and you can shop online if they don't have a store near you. They also will carry all the items I mentioned above.</p>
<p>Give my regards to A, say hi to your son and best wishes to all for a great Holiday.</p>
<p>I am pleased to now be able to add our happy news: D accepted ED to Brandeis!</p>
<p>Congratulations to all the other ED acceptees ( are we the last of the ED season?) </p>
<p>And a heartfelt thanks to the CC parent network for useful advice and moral support--carolyn, marite , dstark, quiltguru, and several of "the dads" among so many others.</p>
<p>Congratulations to your D pyewacket!!! Both my D and I LOVE Brandeis!</p>