<p>Cami, congratulations, I know several U Chicago grads--all impressive people--it does feel great not to be "ladies in waiting" anymore. Sybbie--pyewacket rhymes with "sigh pack it".</p>
<p>Thanks for all the good wishes.</p>
<p>By the time April rolls around, I think that a single post on the official acceptance thread may take up an entire page!</p>
<p>What is the origin of Pyewacket? My brother had a friend in HS with that as his nickname...</p>
<p>soozievt - My D will be in the Lee Strasberg studio. I believe that was her first choice. She is more into acting, but still has MT talent, so I think Strasberg will be a good fit. It's impressive that your daughter is in CAP21. During auditions they made it sound like few get accepted. </p>
<p>My D is researching what dorm to request and then it's time to work on more scholarship money!</p>
<p>I haven't been on this board long but the information we have gotten from it is priceless. :)</p>
<p>D is planning to go to a Fine Arts school for a BFA. </p>
<p>Got verbal acceptances at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) and School of the Art Insitiute of Chicago (SAIC) at her portfolio reviews earlier this year. Both schools strongly encouraged D to submit portfolio for merit based aid.</p>
<p>RD at Carnegie Mellon and Cooper Union still to come.</p>
<p>Sainted son is Boston College bound baby!!! Waiting to hear from UConn, UDel, UNC Chapel Hill, Clemson and ND. Hope B.C. coughs up some $$$$!!</p>
<p>P.S. I am a computer idiot and do not know how to post on the master list!!!</p>
<p>Congrats to Q on getting into BC.</p>
<p>You've been updated on the master list of acceptances :)</p>
<p>Pyewacket, Congratulations to your daughter about Brandeis. Guess we really won't be meeting at Goucher now. :)</p>
<p>And, congratulations to everyone else's children as well. We still have a long way to go until April 1, but it is so great to see all of this happy news so early in the year. I really like having the master list and this section in one central place - it makes it easier to keep up with everything!</p>
<p>congrat's to q and son - I've never heard of scholarship money being obtained in quite that fashion - but one learns ever so much on cc. Hope its a big cough!</p>
<p>Oh, Cami, so good to find you finally got your package. Congrats!</p>
<p>And a special congrats to Wesdad and D, from a former Wesmom whose D absolutely loved everything about Wes! Your D sounds like a perfect fit.</p>
<p>m&sdad, pyewacket is the Siamese cat in Kim Novak movie "Bell, Book and Candle"--cat is the the Witches' "familiar".</p>
<p>Do most ED decisions come separate from financial aid responses?</p>
<p>Snomacher, sound like Strasberg is the right studio for your daughter at Tisch. My daughter wanted CAP21 as musical theater is her main passion. You are right that all the studios at Tisch are hard to get into but CAP21 has a lower acceptance rate as many more want that studio and there is just one for musical theater, so the odds of getting into that one are slimmer than the others. My daughter loves it so far and perhaps her path will cross with your daughter. </p>
<p>Coughing up the dough...I hear ya. With your D's acceptance in hand so early in the school year, she has time to work on outside scholarsihps. My D had applied Regular Decision so all winter last year we were doing the college audition circuit. She did get two local scholarships at graduation, one of which she had to apply for. A nice suprise was she got a large scholarship from NYU itself, something we never expected. </p>
<p>With the dorms, your D has lots of time to decide. My daughter wanted apt. style, rather than traditional and got her first choice, in part cause she is rooming with someone who got in ED (they get first dibs) whom she knew beforehand. She lives at Third Avenue North Residence. The other apt. style for freshmen is University Hall. She really likes where she lives. There are two bedrooms of two kids, a common room, a kitchen and private two sink bathroom. It's at 3rd and 11th. Her studio is up at 18th and 5th Ave. and her other classes are closer to Washington Square. She lives near Union Square. </p>
<p>If you hop over to the Musical Theater Colleges forum, there are a few Tisch parents there, some students, some new admits. More are for Musical Theater but some are connected to acting studios. </p>
<p>Another round of congrats to the NYU and CHicago folks Happy, happy holidays and spring.</p>
<p>Thanks for all the kind thoughts. We keep hearing from current Wes students and alums that they loved it and my W's colleagues (W teaches at a top 20 Univ.) are uniformly high on the place too. D proably knew what is right for her better than her parents. </p>
<p>Congrats to the NYUers. NYU very popular at my D's school this year: 6 (out of a class of only 85) admitted ED to various divisions, including one of top kids in class (who opted for Gallatin). Speaking with someone (an Ivy prof.) just a few days ago whose S is a freshman at NYU and extremely happy.</p>
<p>Congrats to the Chicago-bound too. Don't think anyone at D's school applied EA to Chicago for some reason; maybe the winters. :)</p>
<p>D accepted to Pomona ED1- she is thrilled!</p>
<p>Thanks for all the kind words and congratulations to Q, Wes & Rubyred too.
Curmudgeon, your D will surely have a lot to choose from. Does she have any RD apps still pending?
This is so much fun...like a new Christmas stocking every day!</p>
<p>wyogal, the "mudgette" did not apply to Rhode Island School of Design, The College of the Atlantic, any schools with "Culinary" in the name or Ball State. Other than those , I believe she hit everybody else on the mainland. ;)</p>
<p>ROFL!! What a hoot!</p>
<p>Northeastern University!</p>