<p>great news spikemom.</p>
<p>Very good indeed! Congratulations!</p>
<p>D accepted to VASSAR ED1. I'm still so excited it's hard to think about anything else. Any other Vassar 2010 parents out there?</p>
<p>Congrats to your D, blctmom! Vassar was high on my D's list, but fell off when she was accepted to her EA school. We all loved Vassar!</p>
<p>Where is she going?</p>
<p>Time to update my congrats -CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL!!! So much good news!
Jmmom - your son is going to land on his feet, good times are coming. When does he head to NOLA?</p>
<p>cangel - we head to NOLA 1/11. Can you spell "mixed feelings?" Literally, that is the way I feel. He is simultaneously working on transfer possibilities (with mom as reconstituted Application Manager) and thinking re a possible Physics major at Tulane. Time will tell, and I'm sure he will land on his feet. Thanks for asking. I love checking in on this thread, and can't believe that in a few months, I may be a participant all over again.</p>
<p>S checked on line this am and accepted to University of Michigan --
phew. He is a top student at his hs but top 10 kids in the class fared
poorly ED so this is sweet.</p>
<p>Wonderful new, 3boysnjmom! I know that is a sigh of relief for y'all. </p>
<p>Congratulations to all who have received such wonderful news!</p>
<p>SplashMom, I saw that you had the last post here and on the Master List of Acceptances and I got very excited that your daughter had heard from Centre. Oh well - still keeping my fingers crossed for you!</p>
<p>Congratulations to the recent acceptances - our list is getting quite lengthy!</p>
<p>We're still waiting to hear, fireflyscout. She did get a letter in the mail from Centre today, but it was an invitation to join Centre's president and other students from our area for a reception.</p>
<p>I'm sure we'll hear something soon. :)</p>
<p>D#1 just received her 1st Law School acceptance! University of Miami with a hefty scholarship! One down, 10 more law schools to hear from.</p>
<p>Congrats on the law school acceptance and money! And also to everyone else with good news.</p>
<p>Congrats to doddsfamily from the Master Big List thread! Hope doddsdad won't get so busy buying Twin XL sheets that he can't keep things running at Sinners Alley.</p>
<p>Woo hoo! EA acceptance letter from Centre today. Scholarship letters come next week. Keep your fingers crossed, please!</p>
<p>Congratulations to all. Our list is really growing, isn't it? It's so wonderful to see such great things here!</p>
<p>Congrats Splashmom! Fingers are duly crossed.</p>
<p>SSSOOOO excited about Centre! I remember that was on your DD's list from the beginning, or nearly! How much fun! Good luck now with the $$$$$ !!!</p>
<p>Parents Weekend at Centre sounds like it is going to be a blast! (Especially if curmudgeon is added to the mix - when does the pogo stick riding mail carrier arrive at the goat ranch?)</p>
<p>Hearty congratulations to the Doddsson and Splash!</p>
<p>She's in. Yippee. Then came the "can I really go there?" conversation? Well dear, that depends on your next letter from Centre. In merit land, there is always a caveat but tonight there are smiles. </p>
<p>She also received her invitation to Scripps College Scholarship weekend .The conflicts with basketball state tourney begin. (But if they win district ...."poof" the conlict goes away as they get a first round bye. Just win, baby.)</p>
<p>Centre sounds really neat. Can I come to the weekend?</p>