college address for letter of rec?

<p>I dunno what to put for college address on rec letter envelope.
Should I use just the "regular" address or "admission office" addres..
I know it can sound dumb.. but just to make surrrrrrre :)</p>

<p>Generally, you can use the physical address of the admissions office, but please check on the schools’ websites and read the information carefully. For example, some colleges (like Cornell) ask you to send mail to a separate processing center:</p>

<p>Undergraduate Admissions
Application Processing Center
East Hill Plaza
349 Pine Tree Road
Ithaca, NY 14850-2899</p>

<p>If you are applying for an art or music program, some colleges (like NYU) ask you to send your portfolio or CD directly to the department.</p>

<p>Thanks cathedra!</p>

for Lehigh, I just put:</p>

<p>Lehigh University
Office of Admissions
27 blah blah
rest of address</p>