I graduated from a locally well known public school in Bronx New York. My ecs were minimal, my gpa was ~92 which was crap because of grade inflation, it was barely top 50%. My sat is pretty good, in the 1500s but I took it 4 times. I dont know if being a poor immigrant is going to help me or hurt me.
As you guys can see, all my stats leaves something to be desired. I just finished a semester at Stony Brook and got a 4.0
I’ve read alot admission book out there, Michelle hernandez, gate keepers, etc. I read them a year ago so i might not remember everything but i know the gists of it.
1.I want to know if I stand a chance at transfering to some better schools, maybe NYU, Cornell or Columbia.
<li>If there are any books that are helpful for transfering students in admission.</li>