College Advice Please

<p>Hello, I would really like some advice from you guys as to where I should apply. I live in NJ and I have an average of about 98.something (I am about to start my senior year). By the end of my senior year I would have taken AP: US History, Stat, English, Bio II, and Spanish.. maybe AP French too. I am thinking about doing an independent study course on Greeek language but if that doesn't work out, I might just do that on my own. I also want to fit in Italian, but I don't know. Although I want to learn other langauges, that is just for skill, I really want to go into the medical field though, so I would like recommendation for colleges with a strong med program. I took the [new] SAT's and I got a 1640 I think, but I am taking them again and I'm studying this time. I took the SAT II's and got a 740 in Spanish a 600 something in Math level 2 (better grade than the math section of my SAT's) and US history.. dont even want to count that one lol. I would like to aim for a good school in Massachusetts, but also one in NJ or PA. I'm actually thinking about BC, Tufts, Williams(a reach, I know), Northeastern, Swarthmore, and Bucknell.
Sorry for making this so long! Any suggestions are welcome!</p>

<p>pick Swarthmore! among other things, they have a very well-known study abroad program in Grenoble, France, considered one of the best. also their med school acceptance rates are very good (90-100% in recent years).</p>

<p>(ok, maybe I'm a bit biased)</p>

<p>anyway, Swarthmore's most popular major nowadays is actually biology, quite rare for an LAC. and the program for admitted students (Ride the Tide) is very cool.</p>

<p>I've heard only good things about Williams. students there also have a reputation of being more laid-back than Swarthmore students - which is probably true. I wanted to apply there, actually, but my parents would only let me apply to 1 LAC for whatever reason.</p>

<p>anyway, don't listen to me unless you want to hear lots of praise for Swarthmore :D</p>

<p>yeah I was thinking about Swarthmore, Bucknell and Lafayette too in PA. Williams, I think would be a reach but I'll try.. I still have to visit though.. do you or did you go to Swarthmore? If so, How is it there?</p>

<p>Firstly, if I were you I'd really start a self study schedule for the SAT in preparation for the fall testing days. The Blue Book by Collegeboard is an absolute must (sorry if you've heard this already -- but its truly the best advice I've received so far about the SAT). Maybe trying the ACT would be a good plan too..?</p>

<p>I live about an hour or so from Swarthmore and I've heard only positive things about the institution.. except maybe the intense workload.. which could be considered good or bad. Bucknell, also an excellent school, is becoming more and more selective according to older friends that have been rejected/waitlisted.</p>

<p>Good luck with your search! If language is truly your passion.. let it shine!</p>

<p>connecticut college is terrific for language/study abroad as well as premed, and doesnt even require the SAT-1.</p>

<p>Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Language may be a point I will consider for study, but I think I want to focus more on a medical field.</p>