I have been lying to my family about my major and I gave them fake results. This year is supposed to be my final year however I have recently done something that will get me into deep trouble. I fabricated a few doctors notes to defer some of my exams and the school found out so I’m currently facing disciplinary action. I’m so scared and I’m feeling very s****y for all of this. I don’t even know how to begin to tell my family everything that has been going on. I have been getting a lot of suicidal thoughts because of the anxiety due to the disciplinary hearing
You put a ladder in the hole and you climb out. You do this by calling your parents right now and explaining. Will they shout, be disappointed, cry maybe? Yes, but it’s not going to be worse now than it will be later. The longer you wait, the taller your ladder is going to have to be, and it’s just going to be that much more exhausting climbing out of the hole.
Your parents are going to get over this more quickly than you are. Right now, you just have to tell them. They want you to be healthy above all. What happens after tomorrow isn’t the big issue for you right now. And maybe you can get a retroactive withdrawal from college with a medical diagnosis of anxiety or similar. But none of that can happen until you talk to your parents. Now.