College Apps>Schoolwork

<p>Sooo, surely most of you guys have been, um, not only neglecting your schoolwork, but simply NOT doing it at all, right? Because, as we all know, college applications trump all in long-term importance. Duh. So I haven't been doing any school work because of my lame excuse "I need to do college apps instead," when I really just nap and go out a lot. lol.</p>

<p>edit - oh, just realized that this excuse is now officially never going to be legit, since I just submitted my LAST COLLEGE APP EVAAAAAAAAAAR. oh well.</p>

<p>submit some apps to community colleges just in case :D</p>

<p>Lol, riiiiiiiight</p>

<p>It’s like you read my mind. Schoolwork is menial compared to the FUTURE. Unfortunately, schoolwork at this point still has a big say in scholarship money and admission decisions :frowning:
This sucks.</p>

<p>“I’m writing a 5 page essay on my work and finalist position in Intel STS.”
“Oh, what college?”
“University of Guam”

<p>is using that excuse really legitimate? i did my last application during winter break so i can’t really have a say in this.</p>