<p>Why should this be relevant??
Does it really matter which schools I put down??
I don't want the college to think that they're not one of my top choices, because they are. But reallly, do i HAVE to put down ALL the colleges I'm applying to?</p>
<p>bumppppp </p>
<p>10 chars</p>
<p>bumppppp </p>
<p>10 chars</p>
<p>its for marketing research stuff, so they can see what kind of students would like to go to their college</p>
<p>You are not required to list other schools. You can list a safety or two. You do not have to list all schools, are even other top tier schools if you do not want to. It is for more than market research, and some might accept you except for the fact that you applied to 10 other similar schools and they think that you have a greater chance of saying no to them. Some use this data to protect their yeild.</p>
<p>You can also be sneaky, and write things like “other small liberal arts colleges with a focus on the humanities and undergraduate learning” or “other large public schools with undergraduate research opportunities” so you affirm the mission of the college without giving away whether the school is a reach/match/safety for you.</p>
<p>Sometimes it works the other way, e.g., if you apply to one small rural LAC and many huge large-city universities, the rural LAC might consider you a poor fit.</p>
<p>It’s mostly for research purposes, I’m sure. Grinnell asks; I am not answering. An answer is not required, either.</p>
<p>I agree with sunnyflorida. I’ve heard that a college might not accept you if they think you have a really good chance of getting in to a school you mentioned and will likely deny admission to their school. I read somewhere on the US News or Forbes website (can’t recall exactly which one, but it was in a section that included tips for applying to college) that it is best to skip this question if you can as it can likely factor into their admissions decision.</p>
<p>what if they don’t allow you to skip this question though??</p>
<p>Questions like this are unethical. You deserve to be judged based on your app, not on the adcom’s guessing at why you might be applying to some other schools. So feel NO obligation to give your complete list, or even an accurate list. Use the question to your advantage. (1) Look up some of their close competitors and list 2 of them, along with a safety since everyone expects to see this. (2) Be sure to list a slightly more desirable school.</p>
<p>Here are the reasons. For (1), some schools are believed to reject you if they think you’ll get into more prestigious schools that you’ve applied to in order to keep their yield up. Google “tufts syndrome” for more info, although Tufts denies they do it these days. For (2), this is for financial aid. If they recognize they’re the most prestigious school on your list, they may very well reason that you’ll dig a little deeper in your pocket to attend and may give you a downgraded FA package. By contrast, if they think you’ll get into their slightly better ranked competitor they may try to sway you with a better FA package.</p>
<p>BU asked me for this and I listed all of my schools, including the Ivies and high-tier schools to which I am applying. I realized that it could do nothing but hurt, but for some reason did it anyway. Honestly, if they are going to reject me not because of my candidacy but their suspicions about my intentions, I don’t want to go to the school anyway.</p>
<p>I filled out my applications with honesty. I applied to 6 schools and answered all the questions. I was acepted at all with money and have committed to Grinnell because it was the best fit.</p>