College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

Thanks, yes the south seems to not do as well. Too much sun lol. I know some people asked via email and the college board gave them the cut off scores. I tried to look over the 600 posts but could not find Texas. I think for Hispanic it was 1120 but hoping someone has the college board reply.

Found it from @lupepinto post a little while back, Texas Hispanic cutoff for class of 2022 was 1110. The reason am asking is I just got the scores for my second kid class of 2023. Not as good a test taker. Guess what the score was? Unbelievable!


Congrats! Mind sharing? Will he/she qualify for NMSQT as well?

PSAT scores for the class of 2023 who took the test last October were posted today. All you can do is see how that compares to cutoff scores in 2022. It’s just a guideline as the real cutoff scores will not be known for months. In fact, the college board does not to even announce cutoff scores. They just send the kids an email letting them know they made it. It’s a long waiting game.

Just a head’s up for those who got the second letter for the January 2021 PSAT (last month) and filled out the application . . . my emails and certificates came last night. I already had the National Hispanic Recognition Certificate from the first round, but they sent me another email and certificate. They also added another one for National Rural and Small Town Recognition Program.


I just got the certificate for national African American recognition
My PSAT score was a 1220, and I got invited to apply on November 11th


Also, for those asking about recognition program cutoffs, I am in California and don’t know what the cutoffs are for sure, but my PSAT was 1390 (720 M/670 EBRW). I got a 206 NMSC and did not make any National Merit cutoffs.

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what state are you in?

My son made a 1290 on the October 2020 PSAT. I contacted College Board and found out that the cutoff for small or rural town in Texas was 1100. My son did not receive an invitation, and I had never heard of this program until a few weeks ago. Did anyone else have this happen? Has anyone been allowed to submit for the recognition after the deadline since College Board did not invite your eligible student?


My son got his certificate a couple of days ago for National Hispanic Recognition Program for the PSAT/NMSQT that he took in January of this year. Scored a 1250 in Florida.


Yes, I believe you can. I called last month and they said no for my other son that missed the spring deadline because he was never notified. But I just went on their website and saw a new message that says you can apply if they are eligible until 12/15 deadline.

Thank you so much for this information!

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I received this from the College Board:

Please find below the cut off scores for the State of Texas for the previous application cycle that students would have needed to meet to be eligible:

African American Recognition: 1100

Hispanic Recognition: 1110

Indigenous Recognition: 1100

Rural and Small Town Recognition: 1100

Please note that these scores are subject to change when the new application becomes available in 2022.


Is anyone else waiting to hear after sending in their paperwork for the January PSAT? We sent it in before the deadline, was hoping to hear by now.

I am new to this thread and spent over an hour reading some of these posts. Wow-what a roller coaster for many of you! Congrats to all the students who qualified for recognition. No easy feat while battling a pandemic which caused extra stress and anxiety!

My son is a junior and just took the PSAT in October. He scored a 1300/1520 which is listed as the 97th percentile nationally. We are from NYS and I understand he won’t qualify for National Merit Finalist (I believe only top 1% from each state get that nomination) but can any of you predict whether he might qualify for National Hispanic Merit recognition? (he’s 50% Mexican.) I know that cut-offs change each year, but can anyone give me an idea of cut-offs for NYS for 2022? Will they still be looking at the top 10% or was that a one-time deal? (to compensate for Covid issues, etc.) I understand the controversy as to whether cut-offs were too low (for October 2020 or January 2021) since it could hurt the perceived value of the award or have college scholarship impacts. So just wondering if they may change cut-offs (or allowing the top 10% to be honored) to address those concerns. Or were those designed to be permanent changes? I didn’t even realize so many colleges offered decent scholarships for this distinction (figured it was just a nice resume addition) so glad to see colleges making efforts to recruit talented minorities through merit for this recognition. Hopefully most colleges simply adjust those scholarships (in light of a bigger pool of honorees) rather than abandon them altogether.

Just looking for a reality check to see if my son has a shot at the National Hispanic Merit award with his 1300 score. If so, he would be officially notified in March or April? Thank you!

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He should qualify as long as he also has a 3.5 gpa and as long as he identified as Mexican on the PSAT. Tell him to watch for an email in the spring from the college board with an invitation to apply. If he doesn’t get the email, he can self nominate.

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Thank you! He has a 4.0 unweighted GPA (98% high school average right now) with advanced & AP classes. He did mark off that he is Hispanic (Mexican.) Apparently his guidance counselor told the students in advance that the PSAT college board group did recognize top scorers and mentioned the categories.

I was confused because I was looking at a 2020 thread and saw cutoffs for many states around 1320 or higher and then saw this discussion with lower cut-offs which gave me some hope he might qualify. So am I to understand that in the past the National Hispanic Merit award honored the top 3% or 4% and now honors about 10%?

Appreciate your help!

In the past NHRP honored the top 2.5% of Hispanics while NMS honored the top 0.5% of everybody. Recently CBNRP Hispanics, which replaced NHRP, has been honoring the top 10% of Hispanics.

It’s unclear to me if the switch from top 2.5% to top 10% for Hispanics recognition is permanent or not. It seems likely that it will be permanent, but at the same time the devaluation had some negative consequences as multiple schools stopped offering scholarships to recipients, so adjustments could happen…


Agree with above re 10%
I had my daughter take the PSAT as a junior and she did well (1420), but with cutoffs of 1100 or so, I am not it was even worth it. The award has really lost a good bit of its luster and soon will lose almost all of its scholarship value.

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