College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

I agree that there is still plenty of value in being a Hispanic scholar not to mention it is a big accomplishment. We were deflated as ASU was a top choice and they demolished a huge award ASU’s award was truly based on the award alone. But if your kid has a good GPA and writes good essays etc. The Hispanic Scholar puts a big star next to student’s name when looked for scholarships and admissions in most school’s holistic process.


Our S16 and D22 both received the National Hispanic Recognition Award. I can’t help but believe that it meant more in 2016 (not managed by the College Board) than it means today. How schools like ASU and UofA handle the award should be evidence of this.

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I know that the College Board took over the National Hispanic Recognition Award and changed the cut off to 10%. But someone recently told me they are no longer distinguishing these awards and will be roping Hispanic, African American, small town, Indigenous awards into one “minority recognition” category? Any truth to this or would each award be listed separately as it is now (example: National Hispanic Recognition Award) for 2022 award recipients? Just curious if anyone knows. Sometimes it’s easy to confuse info when a big change like this is made (going from 2.5% to 10%, etc.) so maybe there is a good source for information from the College Board?

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This is my assumption- I believe the College Board still separates the minority groups because the cut off score for Hispanic test takers in Texas was higher than the other categories. Also, the certificate I saw specifically said “National Hispanic Recognition Program.”

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Do you know if the cutoff scores for October 2020 test takers is the same as the cutoff score for January 2021 test takers?

Thanks for that. I really have no idea if my son has a shot with a PSAT of 1300 (from NY) but just trying to understand the new set-up and anticipated changes.

Did anyone receive NHRP merit award from Fordham today?

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Curious about this as well. My daughter got in EA but no mention of merit at all.

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Same! When our older daughter was accepted, the award was included with her acceptance. We were surprised then and again today for different reasons.

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We just got an email today inviting us to apply for National Recognition Program via Rural and Small Town. I was really confused because it seemed way early for invitation for this year’s PSAT (My daughter is Junior this year, but did take it last year too) but reading a little more carefully it was from last year…

"Congratulations! Your score on the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and/or AP® Exams qualifies you to apply for one or more of the College Board National Recognition Programs. Please read this message in its entirety, as it contains vital information about how to apply for this honor before the application deadline on Friday, December 31, 2021, 11:59 p.m. ET.*

We’re pleased to provide this one-time additional application window for students who may have missed their opportunity to apply for recognition last spring.

Your eligibility is based on your prior exam scores, and not the October 2021 PSAT/NMSQT that you may have recently taken. Juniors who qualify through the October 2021 PSAT/NMSQT will have an opportunity to apply through our spring 2022 application cycle.

You may qualify for the following award(s):
• Rural and Small Town Recognition Award"

So I thought this chance had come and gone, because I just found out about the rural part of this a couple months ago, but apparently, they have missed some and are clearing up some of the missed invitations?? Not sure, but check your email. Also the email has other info and states if you want a decision letter before end of December you must get it in by Dec. 17th, guess that would be important for any Seniors out there :slight_smile:


My understanding is that the award at Fordham is lumped into another scholarship where you have to be in the top 3% of admitted applicants, however that is determined. Which means it will be a while until they have all admitted applicants list.

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Never heard of that, seems odd.

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My daughter received an email today that said:

We will start sending financial aid offers (which may include merit and/or need-based financial aid) to our Early Action students beginning on January 18, 2022, and continuing on a rolling basis through early February. You will receive a personalized information packet detailing your offer and financing options.

So there is still hope!


My son is a mirror of yours! Half hispanic and a 1300 on this year’s PSAT. We live in CO, and I’m eager to see what the cutoffs will be here. We just stumbled on University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s full tuition scholarship for national hispanic scholars. I’m so surprised to see schools that value the designation as much as they do. We’re still looking into TAMU as our first choice, however. Lord willing my son gets the letter. It would help a ton!


I’m not sure. I would think so. College Board is very good at responding within a couple of days if you email their recognition program email. I’ve sent them several emails and they have gotten back to me within 1-3 days.

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Yes, they definitely mirror one another! Wow-the Nebraska scholarship is incredible. Seems the most generous schools are SO far away from us but we might need to keep an open mind. My son has been getting emails from University of Denver but not sure how they target him as per College Board info (whether they just know his grades or also know he is a minority) and if they offer Hispanic Scholar merit. I am still trying to understand the NHRP program. Does the College Board KNOW the cut-offs (or is this public knowledge) yet or we just wait for (hope for?) that letter?

So my son, like yours, landed a 1300 on the October PSAT (very little prep) then took the SAT on December 4th (with minimal prep, only about a full week of study/review.) He just got his results today and scored a 1450! We were just assuming it would match up with the PSAT and maybe be around 1380. Needless to say, I’m thrilled and was personally thinking “one and done.” He was pleased for sure, but he wants to give it another go at the end of the school year or in the summer to see if he can push it up a little more with more intensive study. He took the ACT Dec. 11th but did not feel as confident (didn’t care for the format compared to the SAT) so not sure how well he will do. I believe those results come next week.

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They responded! I ended up emailing them. They said the cutoff score is the same for all test takers.


But we don’t know what that cut off is?

The College Board told me that the cutoff for Texas is 1100 for small school, African American and Indigenous People. It is 1110 for Hispanic recognition.

My earlier response was confusing. I meant the cutoff score for October test takers is the same as the cutoff score for January test takers. In Texas, it is 1110 for Hispanic recognition and 1100 for the others.

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