College Board National Recognition Program (includes former National Hispanic Recognition Program) Class of 2022

No, but I also alerted his school counselor to the problem, so there’s a record of that also. That’s all I can do at this point.

@Rigby21 , did you self nominate then? I thought the site had a link to self nominate, but now it says to contact them for instructions for self nomination.

I forgot this, but there IS confirmation of submission. If you go to after you have self-nominated, it will show the date that the application was completed.

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Unless the process has changed in the last 16 days, go here:, and after you sign in and begin the application, it will ask if you received an invitation email. If you answer “no,” then another series of questions will open up. I am certain that has to be the self-nomination process. In any event, that’s what we did, and after we completed it his dashboard changed to show that he had completed the application.


Thank you, @franknd !

Yes we self nominated and I can see on the dashboard it was submitted but no confirmation email was sent.

I just got this answer from them

“The cutoff scores for the National Hispanic Recognition Program for students in the state of California 1130”

Did you email or call them for that info?

In the application dashboard on the top right corner there is a link to the Message Center. I posted the question to them over there, and they replied in less than 2 hours.



Hello, we are homeschoolers and received our invitation to apply for my son after his PSAT score. Any more guidance once you start the application process on what the transcript must include? Is the application something you can start and complete later or does it need to be done in one go?
Thank you! We have his official transcript that we keep up with yearly just as a school would, however I am making sure it includes everything they want. Does it specify if it must be unweighted or weighted? He takes Dual Enrollment classes which are weighted differently. Thank you!

can you start the application and then submit transcript later? Thank you!

So once you start the application you don’t have to finish it in one go? It stays open for you to go back and finish?Thank you!

@barcino I am assuming they would not specify a weighted or unweighted GPA. Various schools will calculate GPA differently, so they recalculate GPA for college admission purposes. That being said, I’m not sure what the College Board uses GPA for in this process. The important thing would be to note whether you are using a weighted or unweighted scale. I, personally, use unweighted (whether it is for dual credit or honors classes, I use 4.0 for an A, 3.0 for a B, etc.). On the transcript, I have “Unweighted Cumulative GPA” next to my son’s GPA. I also include the grading scale (A=90-100, B=80-89, etc.)

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Thank you so much! This is so helpful as I am from abroad and I didn’t even go through high school over here. I SO appreciate it!

So once you start the application you don’t have to finish it in one go? It stays open for you to go back and finish?

That it is correct. You can save and not submit. Once you complete filling out all the form, you can submit the application.

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Thank you so much!

Thanks again for your help!

I thought I saw in this thread but can’t be sure. But once you’ve been invited and submit the transcript paperwork to verify the gpa, does the student automatically get this recognition? I understand how the National Merit works, with commended, semi finalist and so forth. Does my daughter assume this is in the bag or she can still be told “no, you aren’t recognized”? She has met all the requirements and was invited in the first place, not self nominated. Thank you!

I personally don’t think you can she has it yet because she hasn’t been notified of acceptance. I don’t know their process or what they look for while reviewing applications (whether from invitations or from self nominations), so I can’t say whether it’s in the bag yet. If the timing is the same as last year, notification will be given in early September.

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