College Career Fair question

<p>My college will have a career fair soon where recruiters come and talk to students. I really want to land a good internship this summer. Can you guys give me some pointers and techniques on how to improve my chance of success with the recruiters? Such as preparatory work, introduction, what to talk to end the discussion, basically anything that can help me.</p>


<p>Research all the companies that interest you, I can tell you from experience that this does work, recruiters are impressed when you know a lot about their company. That help me get a R.W Baird interview.</p>

<p>Would it be beneficial/necessary to also print out a cover letter along with the resume? Or would that be superfluous?</p>

<p>Can I bring an award certificate/letter and show it to the recruiter? It's a very significant award in my field. Is that ok to do?</p>

<p>How does it usually go? Does the recruiter tell you if they are interested before you leave?</p>


<p>Umm.. I wouldn't personally bring a cover letter to a job fair, as you won't to give the impression that cover letters are tailored for a specific company, likewise the award/certificate should be put on the resume thats it, I think it would be a bit much to bring that with you.</p>