<p>Quick bio- Upcoming highschool senior, new member.. B average up until junior year.. GPA 3.5.. I took a few AP/ rigorous courses and did rather well 95%+.. I enjoy the sciences and am in a math/science program at a local university (Gannon) atm.. AP Chen thrilled me but I also love learning math.. My sat score was a 1630 no studying.. If need be I could pull that up to an 1800 by fall.. So far I'm interested in engineering and Chem.. And ideas for possible schools I have a shot at? Possible career choices? New member btw!Thanks guys!</p>
<p>Any* ideas… Chem*</p>
<p>Well, if you’re interested in engineering and chemistry, you can certainly be a chemical engineer.</p>
<p>What can your family afford? It looks as though the only state schools in PA with Chem E are Pitt and Penn State. [Accredited</a> Program Search](<a href=“http://main.abet.org/aps/Accreditedprogramsearch.aspx]Accredited”>http://main.abet.org/aps/Accreditedprogramsearch.aspx)</p>
<p>Well my family won’t be able to help much… I’m predicting between 5 to 10 thousand a year… So I expect a bit of loan debt… This is why I am looking for a career that pays well but also suits my interests… And chemical engineer is a good idea… I’ll look into it… I visited Pitt last week and loved… I’m from the city. I am going to visit Penn state later this summer… I would prefer the urban campus but I’ve hear penn has a better engendering program.</p>